

“Frankly, this is not the agreement I hoped for. I also have serious concerns based on Iran's past behavior of cheating on nuclear agreements."


Like many,Democratic Senator Chris Coons of Delaware is not wildly enthusiastic about the Iran nuclear deal.


But,like most Democrats,he supports it anyway.


“We cannot trust Iran, but this deal, based on distrust, verification, deterrence, and strong, principled multilateral diplomacy, offers us the best opportunity to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon."


In recent days, five other Democratic senators issued similar statements of support despite misgivings.

最近几天, 尽管存在种种疑虑,但其他5位民主党参议员也发表了类似的支持声明。

Cory Booker said “It is better to support a deeply flawed deal, for the alternative is far worse.”


Mark Warner of Virginia said, “While I choose to support the deal, I am not satisfied with it.”


Until Friday, only one Democrat, Chuck Schumer of New York, had announced opposition to the deal.


Since then, he has been joined by Senators Ben Cardin of Maryland and Robert Menendez.


“We know that, despite the fact that Iran claims its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes, that they have violated the international will as expressed by various U.N.Security Council resolutions, and by deceit, deception and delay advanced their program to the point of being a threshold nuclear state."


Given unified Republican opposition to the accord, all eyes are on the remaining handful of Democratic senators yet to announce.


Already, there is ample backing to sustain President Barack Obama's promised veto of a resolution of disapproval from Congress.


The undecided senators will determine whether Senate action can be blocked altogether.


“If that happens, the resolution of disapproval won't reach the president's desk,and there will be no need to exercise the veto. That's a tough goal but a possible one."



An initial vote in the House of Representatives could come by week's end.

