爱沙尼亚希望避免历史再度重演 美重申助其维护主权(在线收听

爱沙尼亚希望避免历史再度重演 美重申助其维护主权

The present day cheers for Russia in Ukraine's annexed Crimea peninsula is for many Estonians, an eerie reminder of their past.


“It is history repeating itself, because in 1940 when Estonia was occupied by the Soviet Union, it was basically the same scenario.”


A Russian coup detat was made to look like a popular revolt.


Unfair elections put the Communist in charge of the Estonia.


Communist quickly asked to join the Soviet Union.


Now the top general of the world's largest military has reaffirmed America's pledge to help defend Estonia's sovereignty.


“There's no greater symbol of commitment than the presence of U.S. soldiers, men and women, America's sons and daughters on the ground. And they're here.”


“We are very happy having the US jet planes and A-10s flying in Estonian skies, giving the security feeling. Which in this turbulent times is needed, not only for the armed forces but mainly for our people.”


“Trying to walk a fine line. Not being provocative…not giving Putin an excuse escalation,but making it very clear that if were to cross over, this would mean war with the United States.”

