

Every morning, Tony Diamond goes to a local park for an hour of fast walking. Then he runs for another hour. He also goes to a gym two or three times a week for muscle training. The retired navy captain won three medals at the 2015 National Senior Games in the road race and the race walk in his age group, 85 to 89.

每天早上,托尼·黛蒙德都会前往当地公园进行一个小时的快跑。之后,他将再跑一个小时。每周,他都会前往健身房进行两到三次的肌肉训练。 在85-89岁年龄段的公路和竞走比赛上,这名退役的海军上校在2015年全国老年比赛上赢得了3枚奖牌。

My current age is 86 years old and my fitness age is 44. I think I have such a good number because I did a lot of exercise during my life. I've been exercising since I was a little boy.


Helen White, plays basketball and also teaches the sport to senior groups. The versatile athlete won a silver medal in pickleball at the 2013 National Senior Games.


I'm 62 years old and my fitness result showed that I was 32 years.


White and Diamond are among about 5,000 senior games competitors who took part in the study on fitness age.


Pamela Peeke is an assisstant professor of medicine at the University of Maryland. She conducted the study with Ulrik Wisloff at Norwegian University of Science and Technology who developed a fitness calculator.


You simply input very straightforward data. We ask you questions: your age, height, weight, how much you work out, your waist size, heart rate, blood pressure, and it goes on. Then you press a button, you find out what your actual fitness age is. Anyone can use the online calculator for free.


This kind of testing, an assessment of fitness age, was actually very valid and it helps us understand the benefits of being fit and healthy.


The National Senior Games is a biannual competition for athelets over 50 and consists of a variety of sports from track and field to triathlon. This year,the average age of the competitors were 68, their average fitness age were 43.


Peeke was a board member of the organization that runs the games says many of the competitors didn't start training until later in life.


It really wasn’t until I turned to 50 that I decided to become much more serious and focused about play, and just making sure it is daily part of my life.



It doesn’t matter how old you are. Twenty, 25, 30 who cares. All of us can lower our fitness age by staying right on top of it, taking good care of ourselves, especially physical activity. He says it is never too early or too late to start exercising and reaping its benefits.

不管你多大。20,25, 30,谁会在乎。只要我们坚持锻炼,所有人都能够降低健康年龄,照顾好自己,特别是在体育锻炼方面。他认为从健康中受益,何时锻炼都不迟。
