事实:美国足球运动仅有11分钟的运动时间-An American Football Game Has 11 Minutes of Action(在线收听

Pre-Listening Vocabulary
regulation: related to a rule or standard (e.g., not including overtime)
quarter: a period of play that lasts one-fourth of the whole time
play: a single period of action or an important movement during a game
replay: a recording of a live play that you can watch again after it happened
broadcast: a live recording of an event that people watch on TV or the Internet
commentary: discussion by broadcasters that viewers listen to at home
An American Football Game Has 11 Minutes of Action
A regulation game of American football in the National Football League (NFL) has four 15-minute quarters. If you are watching a game from start to finish, it will take approximately three hours. According to recent studies, the ball is in play on the field for just eleven minutes in an average football game. A single play lasts for about four seconds, though the clock continues to run even when a play is over. In a football broadcast, fans spend most of the time watching replays, commentary, pre-recorded video footage, and commercials.