事实:盲人也可识得的货币-Accessible Currency for the Blind(在线收听

Pre-Listening Vocabulary

accessible: able to be used

visually impaired: people who have low or no vision

tactile: related to touch

predominantly: mainly; most noticeably

wallet: a folder for holding money and cards


distinguish: to notice a difference between things


Accessible Currency for the Blind

Many countries have currency that is accessible for the visually impaired. In Australia and India, bills of different denominations are made in different sizes and colours. In Canada, the face side of a bill has raised dots in the top right corner. The Japanese yen also features tactile marks for the blind. The US is the only country with banknotes with the same size and colour (predominantly green) for all denominations. Some visually impaired Americans rely on a folding system to identify bills. Others use different sections in a wallet. These systems are not ideal as they require visually impaired individuals to depend on and trust others. The US has been slow to make changes to its banknotes since a 2008 court ruling that demanded accessible currency for all Americans. The federal government is now offering a free currency reader for visually impaired Americans. Tactile features will be added to the next US $10 note, which will also feature a female (2020).