事实:关于啤酒-Beer Power(在线收听

Pre-Listening Vocabulary

brewery: a factory where beer is made

biofuel: a biological form of power made from waste or living matter

inactive yeast: yeast that can no longer be used for its main purpose (i.e., to convert sugar into alcohol or relaxes dough), but still has nutritional properties

dispose: to throw out or waste

publicity stunt: a trick to attract media attention

on the right track: taking an action that could eventually lead to success

convert: to change from one thing into another

feasible: possible and reasonable

Beer PowerA New Zealand brewery is experimenting with beer power, and has created a new product called Brewtoleum. This is a biofuel made of inactive yeast that is leftover during the brewing process. The slurry is sometimes sold to farmers to use in livestock feed, though it is often disposed of as waste. While many believe Brewtoleum is simply a publicity stunt, others say the brewery is on the right track. Beer grain waste is becoming a big problem in many European countries. New restrictions prevent many breweries from selling beer waste to farmers. Though beer-powered cars may not be realistic, converting beer waste to biofuel for the purpose of powering breweries is actually feasible.
