美国文化脱口秀 第283期:美国单身狗的生活(在线收听


  A lowly single person: 卑微的单身
  Lonely and pathetic: 孤独、可怜
  A pathetic bachelor: 可怜的单身汉
  Weird (adj): 怪怪的
  Weirdo (noun): 怪人、有点变态
  Weird can be cute: weird也可以很可爱
  A weirdo is always bad: weirdo肯定很恐怖
  I hope someone gets me: 我希望有人真的懂我
  Quirks: 怪怪的小毛病
  OCD (Obsessive compulsive disorder): 强迫症
  The man/woman of my dreams: 我的梦中情人
  Struggle: 挣扎、纠结
  Cherish their freedom: 珍惜自由
  Cherish their bachelorhood: 珍惜单身的阶段
  Bachelor: 单身男人
  Bachelorette: 单身女性
  Self-mocking/self-deprecating: 自嘲
  Americans don't have the same kind of pressure to get married as Chinese do:
  A free agent: 自由身
  A player:一个花心的人
  Flirtatious: 花心的、爱玩的
  To be walked: 遛
  Walk your dog: 遛狗
  Our lives are parallel lines that will never cross: 我们的生活是平行线,永远不会交汇
  It's not meant to be: 注定无缘
  Fattening: 让人肥胖的
  To text someone: 给人发短信、微信
  Square root: 平方根
  Imaginary: 想象的、不存在的
  Imaginary boyfriend/girlfriend: 假想的男女朋友
  They're so real that you can fake it with your parents: 这些假想男女朋友非常真实,可以用来骗你的父母
  Are you single: 你是单身吗?
  There're more and more women who are focusing more on their career and don't care as much about having a man in life: 越来越多的女孩子更注重事业,没那么在乎男人
  Economically independent: 经济独立
  Pursue our career: 追求自己的事业
  But you feel the insecurities at the same time: 但同时也会感到不安全