美国文化脱口秀 第286期:美国人为何都趁新年表白?(在线收听

   对美国人而言,跨年是表白的最佳时机!因为新年到来那一刻,人人都要kiss。所以何不借机吻你暗恋的TA? 今天我们就聊聊美国人如何浪漫跨年, 并教你怎么用英语表白。

  For Chinese, the New Year doesn't really start until the Chinese New Year: 对中国人来说,过春节才是真的新年
  The Western calendar: 阳历
  It's a big deal: 很重要的事
  The holiday season: 节日季
  Everyone is so distracted by various holidays from Thanksgiving to New Year: 从感恩节到新年,人人心里只想着过节
  The New Year mode: 新年状态
  The New Year is all about partying: 新年就要狂欢
  New Year's celebration happens on New Year's Eve: 新年最大的庆祝活动当然是12月31号,跨年夜
  To ring in the New Year: 跨年
  New Year's countdown party: 新年倒数派对
  Smooch: 亲吻,可以热烈、可以是个little smooch
  French kissing: 法式热吻
  A friendly little kiss: 朋友间的亲亲
  There's something I've been meaning to tell you...:有些话,我一直想对你说......
  You don't want to spend New Year alone: 不想独自跨年
  To declare your feelings for someone: 表白爱意
  New Year's Eve is full of romantic possibilities: 跨年夜充满了各种浪漫的可能性
  A hopeless romantic: 无药可救的浪漫主义者
  New Year's Resolution: 新年决心
  To find true love: 找到真爱
  Look to hook up: 只想找个伴儿(比较随意,不认真的)