
   Apple says bent iPhones are ‘rare’

  Apple has responded to claims that its new handsets are prone to bending by saying such damage would be “rare” during normal use.
  Media outlets across the globe had reported that several iPhone 6 owners had complained of handsets becoming misshapen after being carried in trousers pockets without a case.
  来自世界各地的媒体曾报道过有些用户对iPhone 6机身损坏进行过投诉,这些手机在没有保护壳的情况下被放到裤兜里而遭致变形。
  However, it has also been pointed out that handsets by Sony, Samsung, Blackberry and others have also bent in the past, and several analysts have cautioned that it was too early to say if the incidents involving the new iPhones were more widespread.
  第一段有一个非常实用的句型claims that…by saying…,稍加改装,即可由于托福独立写作:
  They agree/disagree with the claim/idea/statement that…by saying…
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: We can know more about a person from the types of friends he or she has.
  Some people agree with the statement that we may know more about a person from the types of company he or she keeps by saying “Birds of a feather flock together.”
  其中Birds of a feather flock together是“物以类聚,人以群分”的意思。
  1. be prone to 有……的倾向(一般指负面的倾向)
  Some plants are very prone to disease. 有些植物易生病。
  Kids are all prone to eat junk food. 小孩子有喜欢吃垃圾食品的倾向。
  (来源:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English)
  2. media outlets 全球各种媒体,其中across the globe可作all over the world的优质替换
  3. it has also been pointed out that 亦有人指出,可用来引出另一观点,但要注意also的位置