
Complete Acceptance
"A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself-and especially to feel, or not feel. Whatever you happen to be feeling at any moment is fine with them. That's what real love amounts to: letting aperson be what he really is." – Jim Morrison
Do you find that your friends are constantly trying to make you into something that you're not not, deep down? This could be as innocuous as someone continually urging you to wear clothes that you’re not wholly comfortable wearing, or more unnerving, such as pushing you to drink more, or behave in ways that you feel embarrassed about the next day. Some might do these things out of a desire to "help" you, in that they want to"improve" something about you to better fit their idealized view of you, while others might want to justify their own behaviour by getting you to join in with them. Either way, it's not much fun for you, and doesn't allow you to really be yourself around them, does it?
A real friend loves and accepts you exactly as you are, and doesn't care if you live in overalls and striped socks, eat cheese and pickle sandwiches on raisin bread, or dress like you stepped out of a Renaissance Faire. They accept you as you are, "warts and all".