

The warmth of a friend's presence brings joy to ourhearts, sunlight to our souls, and pleasure to all life.
If you were to delete all of your social media accounts today, how many people do you think would still be in touch with you next week? If you no longer subscribed to anyone's "feeds”"for information about them, who would email you in order to keep you apprised of goings-on in their lives, or to check in on how you were doing? Who would text or call you? Or (dare I ask)even write you a letter? It might be worth doing a social media fast for a weekor two just to see how many people would still reach out to contact you.
A true friend is one who makes a point to not onlytouch base with you on a regular basis, but also takes the time to be with you in person whenever possible. In some instances where distance is an issue,there might be Skype or Gtalk Hang outs instead, but it's still face-to-facetime wherein you can connect with them, and they with you. If someone is always too busy to dedicate time to you, or considers anything other than a Facebook "like" to be inconvenient, it might be worth re-evaluating your friendship with them.