
D:Hey,Yael.You know how everyone frets about oil running out and prices going up everything? Y:Yeah. D:Well, there are other ways to make gasoline, like making it from coal. It’s called coal gasification. The technology’s been around for decades, but it’s always been expensive. Now, researchers have streamlined the process so that it’s more efficient, cheaper, and creates less pollution. Y:Wait a secong,Don. I thought the idea was to move away from fossil fuels and toward cleaner, renewable energy sources like biofuels and solar and wind power? Coal may be more abundant than oil, but it’s dirty and emits a lot of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.So I'm not sure it's so great that we have a better way to get gas from coal. D:I hear you.but you also got the fact that coal is still widely used as an energy resource. For example, China is building hundreds of new coal-powered energy plants. So isn't it a good investment to figure out ways to burn and liquefy coal that consume less energy and cause less pollution? Y:I guess so.Don't we need to push for research on green energy technologies. D:Of course.And improved coal gasification process could also be used to improve biofuel processing technologies. Y:That's a good thing,I guess.In any case,I agree that it makes sense to find cleaner ways of using coal, especially since it’s still such a popular fuel. D:Right.One day,renewable green energy source will ,but for now we got the worse what we had.
