学个词 Learn a Word-VOA英语教学 2444- testify(在线收听

今天我们要学的词是 testify, testify is spelled t-e-s-t-i-f-y, testify. Testify 动词,提供证词。Ex-New York Senate majority leader Dean Skelos won't testify in his and his son's corruption trial. 美国纽约州参议院前多数党领袖史科洛斯将不在针对自己和儿子的腐败案上出庭作证。A Thai investigator who sought political asylum in Australia can testify via video-link in next week's trial of a human trafficking case. 已经在澳大利亚寻求政治庇护的一名泰国调查人员,可以通过视频在下周举行的人口走私案中提供证词。好的,我们今天学习的词是testify, testify, testify...
