学个词 Learn a Word-VOA英语教学 2445-settle(在线收听

今天我们要学的词是settle, settle is spelled s-e-t-t-l-e, settle. Settle 做为动词,有庭外和解的意思。A Wisconsin gun shop will pay $1 million to settle a lawsuit in which it was found guilty of negligently selling a gun used to injure two policemen. 威斯康辛州一家枪店将赔偿一百万美元,庭外和解一起诉案,这家枪店在案件中被认定在出售枪支时玩忽职守,后来枪支被用来打伤两名警察。Four U.S. retailers agreed to pay $1.3 million in fines to settle civil charges that they deceived consumers through false labeling. 美国四家零售商同意支付130万美元的罚金,庭外解决指控他们标签造假,误导消费者的民事诉讼案。好的,我们今天学习的词是 settle, settle, settle...
