英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0113 - 老人没人陪不能坐公交?(在线收听

 Topic1-Reform of Urban Management SystemThe central government has published a guide line on the reform of the urban management system recently. It seeks to provide solution to the problem of harsh law enforcement action taken by the urban management officers or a.k.a. Chengguan.

Topic2-Old Woman Told to Get off the BusAn 80-year-old passenger was told to get off a bus in China's Sichuan province because no one was there to keep her company. Is it acceptable for the driver to deny the senior citizen of entry on the bus?
Topic3-Half of Young Chinese Date before Age of 18The 2015 Chinese Marital and Love Report spots growing trends among Chinese people, that is having our first sexual encounter much earlier and getting married a lot later than we used to.
One figure that may be a shocker for parents is: People born after 1995 have their first sexual experience at the age 17.71 on average. What are some other interesting findings of this report?