
Dear Annie:
My husband, "Joe," and I have been having minor problems recently, and I finally got him to open up about what is bothering him. Big mistake! He told me he wants a divorce.
I was completely blindsided. I asked him why he would want to leave me and the only thing he could say was that we have nothing in common except our daughter. Annie, is that a real reason to want a divorce?
I know I haven't been the greatest wife. I'm not a very good cook, I hate to clean and I'd prefer to spend Saturday in my jammies reading a good book. Apparently all of this makes Joe unhappy. But I love this man, and I tell him often. I have accepted him for who he is, even when he irritates me, so shouldn't he learn to accept me the way I am? - Dumped and DumbfoundedDear Dumped:
Most men don't leave their wives because of the cooking and housekeeping. Do you communicate? A good marriage takes effort and requires that each partner wishes to make the other happy. It sounds as if you two are. with little interaction and no interest in creating a supportive relationship. Ask Joe to go with you for counseling before you give up. Do it for your daughter.