YPG部队同激进分子作战 防止其推进(在线收听

YPG部队同激进分子作战 防止其推进

Fighting between YPG and ISIS continues some 48 kilometers north of Raqqa, the capital of the self-proclaimed Islamic State.


YPG fighters at this post say their position is less than two kilometers away from ISIS militants, and that they are able to respond quickly to halt any ISIS advance.

YPG战士们表示他们的位置距 “ISIS”激进分子不到2公里,而且他们能够快速作出反应阻止这个恐怖组织任何推进。

"They are like teams of five people.They go one by one and attack, but our forces do not let them succeed. We quickly fire back. They usually launch their attacks at night and target residential areas."


YPG fighters have their pickets set up here and say they are ready to repel the attacks from IS militants.These fighters are supported by the US-led coalition airstrikes that target Islamic State positions in the area.


YPG forces captured the city of Tal Abyad near Raqqa in June and since then, they have been preparing to take Raqqa too. The United States has sent weapons to the YPG to support its fight against ISIS.The YPG is also getting support from the Democratic Syrian Army in the fight to recapture Raqqa.


“Some other forces are also supporting us in the fight against the Islamic State. We are all preparing for the fight and ready to face IS from all sides. The YPG has proven that it has the capability to succeed. The most important thing is that we are getting weapons and help from the United States."


The offensive to recapture Raqqa has not yet started. While proper preparations and the high morale of the YPG are important factors in the effort to recapture the city, analysts say the real test will be when the actual fight for Raqqa gets underway.

