
Stop Littering
The only thing I hate more than wasteful people are litterbugs.
Litterbugs are my least favorite bug, and there are more than you'd think. If you've ever thrown even one piece of gum, paper, candy wrapper, cigarette butt, etc on the ground,you're a disgusting litterbug, and you should be ashamed of yourself.
There are over 7 billion people in the world –if each person only throws one "innocent"piece of garbage on the ground, that's 7 billion pieces of garbage littering a world in which nobody "did it".
Your one decision makes a huge difference, and I will not allow you to blow it off and walk around with your head held high.
You're a litterbug, and it needs tostop immediately. You don't get a life hack for this one, you filthy animal. Just stop –you already know how。