
 Dear Annie:

My college graduate daughter, "Kay," has lived at home for over a year. She is presently working and continuing her education. I told her early on that she could live here for one year at no cost, but after that time, I would expect her to pay for her car, health insurance and cell phone bill.
Kay's salary is $400 a week after taxes, and I get $100 of it. Each month, I put aside $125 in savings for her. Kay resents that I now expect her to pay her own bills. I decided to write you so she could see in print how selfish this looks. -Taken Advantage Of
Dear Taken:
Kay is paying a reasonable amount of her salary on rent, and you are right that she should pay for her other expenses, particularly the cell phone bill.
You are already being quite magnanimous setting aside savings for her, although health insurance is costly and if you wish to be generous, you might want to help her with that instead. If Kay balks, by all means encourage her to find her own place so she can be completely independent. It's time.