美国为监狱瘦身 多名罪犯即将获释(在线收听

美国为监狱瘦身 多名罪犯即将获释

Barbra Scrivner wakes up every morning at five. It's a quiet time to think about what she has, and what she is missed. These days she helps to raise her grandson,getting dressed and ready for school each day.


“It's 100 percent different.I mean it's great,I actually have a real life now."


Scrivner spent 21 years in a federal prison for drug conspiracy. Her daughter and grandson got to know her only on visitation days.


She was released earlier this year after President Barack Obama wrote criminal this letter, commuting her sentence.“Remember the year of the capacity to make good choices.”


46 more criminals were get early released on Tuesday. Scrivner knows the problems they will face.


“A lot of struggle, it is really hard especially if you have been caught for many many years,because everything here is changed,because you are going to have to learn how to live life in this world.”


The president's legacy rise on their success. Through his commutations and changes in sentencing lives, more than 6 thousand will be released before he leaves his office.


Judge Haggerty signed criminal for 30 years. He is now retired ,giving up federal caught for a rightable caught. Back then Haggerty couldn't lower his time because of Mediterranean minimum sentencing roles.


“Over consideration I was trying even out the sentence of the across the country,and that's why I'm in the minimums but some of them I always thought were too harsh. ”

“深思熟虑后 我甚至想在全国范围内赦免,因此我是这极小的一部分人,对于其他人来说太难了。”

Criminals take us where she happily lived with her baby daughter before her arrest. She had not been back in 22 years.


“So this where I want I thought to start a new life,and then it all crashed and took my life away. ”



Now she has got a chance and another one.

