

Russia increased inspections on Turkish imports as part of a range of sanctions against Ankara that include suspending visa-free travel with Turkey, which millions of Russians visit every year.


“Well, the damage will be considerable. Quite a number of economic and political projects will be put on hold or actually maybe even scrapped.”


Russia's military also retaliated for Turkey's shooting down its plane by increasing attacks on rebels along Turkey's border with Syria and deploying advanced missile systems.


The tension between Russia and Turkey has complicated efforts to create a broader coalition against Islamic State terrorists.


Though some coordination was agreed, and Russia's President Vladimir Putin said he is ready to cooperate with the U.S.-led coalition against IS, many are skeptical.

尽管从中已经进行了一些协调, 虽然许多人持怀疑态度,但俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京表示愿与美国领导的联军合作共同打击极端恐怖组织“ISIS”。

“On the ground, practically, we will have this situation of two coalitions fighting the same enemy. But at least we need very close coordination of these two coalitions ... just not to create these dangerous collisions as we had. And, of course, not to hit the wrong targets.”


Despite Russia's claims to be bombing terrorists, most of its targets are non-IS opponents of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. But political analysts say Russia's main goal in Syria is to position itself for negotiations on a much larger scale.


“And, this world order would help resolve the Ukrainian issue, help end anti-Russian sanctions. And, so this is seen as the most important part of why Russia went into Syria. Of course, keeping Assad in power is important, but the broad coalition is maybe seen as even more important.”



Russia's alliance with the Syrian government has helped it re-enter the world stage, but it is also the main obstacle to joining a broader coalition against the IS militants.

