

The plight of Syrians fleeing oppression and bloodshed should resonate with Americans who just celebrated Thanksgiving according to President Barack Obama.


The world is still full of pilgrims, many women who want nothing more than the chance for a safer,better future for themselves and their families.


What makes America America is that we offer that chance.


In the aftermath of terrorist attacks in Paris, the House of Representatives voted to suspend the admittance of Syrian refugees.


Our nation has always been welcoming,but we cannot let terrorists take advantage of our compassion. This is a moment where it is better to be safe than to be sorry. The White House has threatened a veto if the measure reaches the Obama's desk.


But restricting refugees is one of many initiatives the Republican-led Congress could attach to a spending bill that must be signed into law by December 11 when U.S. government funding expires or a partial federal shutdown would ensue.


Republicans also could attach a so-called rider to defund the non-profit women's health group and abortion provider, Planned Parenthood. I don't think Planned Parenthood should get one red cent from the taxpayer.

而且共和党人还可以附加一项附加条文停止资助非盈利性的妇女健康组织及堕胎提供机构—美国计划生育联合会 。我认为计划生育联合会不应该拿纳税人的每一分钱。

December 11 will be here before we know it. Democrats will work with Republicans to avoid an unnecessary government shutdown, but we will not accept riders that violate our principles."


Republicans insisted they will press their party's policy goals. I've been around here a while. We always have riders on appropriation bills.



End-of-year drama is nothing new in Congress, where lawmakers' resolve to stand and fight for their positions and priorities is tested by their collective desire to adjourn and get out of Washington for the Christmas and New Year's holidays.

