VOA常速英语2016 全球股市呈过山车行情(在线收听

Global Stocks on Roller Coaster Ride 全球股市呈过山车行情

Global stocks declined sharply Wednesday after another drop in oil prices prompted selloffs from Asia to New York. The Dow Jones Industrial index plunged more than 500 points at one point before cutting its losses in half as U.S. markets closed.  The volatility and steep declines in stock futures reflect a growing sense of unease about the global economy.  

What’s driving the recent market volatility?  Analysts say it’s a combination of factors: the slowdown in China and the steep plunge in oil prices.  We spoke with Dan Veru - chief investment officer at Palisade Capital – on Skype.

是什么驱动了最近市场的波动?分析人士称,这是由多个因素综合导致的:中国经济放缓以及油价的急剧下跌。我们通过Skype采访了Dan Veru,他是Palisade资本的首席投资官。

“Crude oil going lower has really sparked global fears of not just a recession in China but really a global slowdown.”


But the simpler explanation may be pessimism.


“CEOs today are feeling a lot less optimistic than they did just a year ago.”


Price Waterhouse Cooper CEO Dennis Nally says the accounting firm’s latest survey of business executives from over 80 countries shows about one in four believe the global economy is on the right track,compared with almost half just two years ago.

普华永道会计师事务所首席执行官Dennis Nally说会计公司对来自80多个国家的企业管理人员的最新调查表明约四分之一的人相信世界经济正处于正确轨道上,而两年前将近二分之一的人这么认为。

Had they conducted the survey this year,the sentiment might have been worse.


“If we would have done the survey in the first two weeks of January,given the environment that exists today, it would even be worse,so it’s not a pretty picture to say the least.”


And it’s a picture tarnished by the economic slowdown in China according to New York Stock Exchange governor Peter Costa.


“You have to be very concerned whenever Chinese growth is lagging because that definitely has an effect on U.S. corporations and multi-nationals,”“There’s a lot of companies that do business with China and if their businesses cut back somewhat because of the slowdown in China,it definitely affects U.S. earnings.”Still, many believe the U.S. economy is resilient enough to weather the storm.


“We do see the risk of a recession as rather low,we put it at about 10 to 15 percent, which is pretty slim.”


Dan Veru advises investors to look at the start of 2016 - as part of a larger picture.

Dan Veru建议投资者把2016年开端作为更广阔前景的一部分。

“I believe ultimately we’ll look back on this period of time,whether it’s today or two weeks from now,that you could have made a lot of money - if you put your money to work into financial assets.”

