




Two drunks were walking along. One drunk said to the other, “What a stunning night, look at the moon.”

The other drunk stopped and looked at his drunk friend. “You are wrong, that’s not the moon. That’s the sun.”

Both started arguing for a while when they come upon another drunk walking, so they stopped him. “Sir, could you please help settle our argument? Tell us what that thing is up in the sky that’s shining. Is it the moon or the sun?”

The third drunk looked at the sky and then at them and shook his head, “Sorry, I don’t live around here.”








1. drunk醉的/醉汉。也有“陶醉的”的意思:be drunk with power陶醉于权力

2.stunning绝妙的,极好的,可以用来形容人和事物:This is an extremely stunning dress.这条裙子简直美轮美奂。a stunning victory惊人的大捷。What a stunning idea!多好的主意呀!

3. argue争论。还有“提出理由”的意思:The very nature of your responsibility argues against your leaving before others.你的职责的性质本身说明你没有理由先他人而离去。

4. come upon偶然遇到。还有“影响”的意思:Fear came upon her as she waited.她在等待时感到一阵恐惧。

5. settle结束(争端):The two firms settled their disagreement out of court.这两家商行庭外解决了争端。settle还有“使安心”的意思:The class settles itself to work.全班学生定下心来做功课。

6. shake one’s head摇头。有趣的短语 in two shakes马上:I’ll be back in two shakes.我马上就回来。 shake oneself together全力以赴:He shakes himself together to study English.他全力以赴学习英语。
