VOA慢速英语2016 爱荷华州选民:“真是够了!”(在线收听

AS IT IS 2016-02-02 Iowa Voters Say ‘Enough, Already!’ 爱荷华州选民:“真是够了!”

Voters in Iowa say they are ready for their life to return to normal.


Iowa is the first state to hold caucuses.These meetings let supporters of the two main parties – Democrat and Republican – state who they would like for president. The Iowa caucus results may suggest who will be each party’s candidate for president.But there will be other caucuses and primary elections in the weeks to come.


Iowans, as they are called, say they are proud to hold the first caucus.But they say they also will be happy for things to return to normal.


James Uren owns a restaurant in Elk Horn, Iowa."During the political season," he notes, "you just know you’re going to have to answer the telephone five times every night. And the problem with that is that you just don’t get a chance to relax."

James Uren在爱荷华州埃尔克霍恩有家餐馆。他说道:“政治热季中,你知道每晚上都要接5次电话。这样一来的问题就是根本找不到机会放松一下。”

The 3 million residents of Iowa receive telephone calls from candidates and from groups that measure public opinion.


Before the voting on Monday, media and political campaign vehicles filled parking spots in towns and cities across the state. Iowa voters learned a lot about the candidates from newspaper ads and television commercials.


Darren Zitterich told VOA: "I feel like pulling my hair out, with all the (political) commercials. I swear, there’s more commercials than TV shows."

Darren Zitterich接受VOA采访时表示:“这么多的(政治)广告,我愁得直抓头发。我发誓,这里的广告比电视上还多。”

Many text messages were sent out in an effort to influence Democratic and Republican voters.


Many Iowans say they are ready for the political candidates, media workers and pollsters to leave town.


For Patty, a Des Moines resident who would not provide her last name, the text messages bothered her the most.


"They even text my husband, who doesn’t know how to text," she said.


Patty added that she is looking forward to Monday night when the caucuses will be finished.“Tuesday is going to feel so good,“ she said,“Except then we’ll have five days now of who won.“


Words in This Story

caucus – n. a meeting of members of a political party for the purpose of choosing candidates for an election

proud – adj. very happy and pleased because of something you have done

relax – v. to become or to cause something to become less tense, tight or stiff

parking – n. the act of leaving a car, truck, motorcycle in a particular place

pollster – n. someone who develops questions for a public opinion survey, asks questions and presents the findings

commercial – n. advertising on radio or television

bother – v. to cause someone to feel troubled, worried or concerned
