英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0203 - 有奖购物猫腻多!(在线收听

Topic1-Government Budget Report Hard to Comprehend
Is the notion "The government budget report is so hard to understand" true? Some officials claim financial budgeting is a very specialized and professional process, which requires expertise to understand. Are we too dumb to understand the budget report?
Topic2-Weibo to Trial Word Count Limit Removal
Sina Weibo, China's biggest micro-blogging service, will remove the 140-character limit on posts for all users by the end of February. Is it a big change for users of the social media platform?
Topic3-Big Lottery Prize Refused to Give Due to Illegal Promotion
Recently a female customer hit the jackpot worth 260 thousand Yuan, but was denied access to the money. The woman filed a lawsuit, asking the company to give her the prize, but the court dismissed her claim. Why is that?
Topic4-60% Netizens Support Student Running Assignment during Winter Holiday
The educational authority in Taiyuan, a northern Chinese city has urged students to include long-distance running in their winter vacation assignments. The proposal has attracted enthusiasm and skepticism alike. Do you support this type of assignment? And the creativity doesn't stop there.