

As Einar fades into Lili,the story then shifts from the romantic symbiosis of a passionate couple into the love story of two individuals, undergoing their own private journeys, and culminating with Lili's reassignment sex surgery.


Eddie Redmayne gives what could be an Oscar-worthy performance as Lili.


"One of the extraordinary things about this story for me is the profundity of love. What an extraordinary thing it can be, how it is not defined by gender, by sexuality, by race, by religion, by anything. It's something other.It's about the soul."


Redmayne, who won the Oscar last year for tracing Stephen Hawking's physical deterioration due to the degenerative disease ALS, transforms Einar into Lili equally deftly.去年因饰演身患肌萎缩性侧索硬化症(ALS)的斯蒂芬·霍金而获得奥斯卡奖的雷德梅尼现在又熟练驾驭伊纳尔,蜕变成为莉莉。

The metamorphosis is so complete and seamless that the viewer realizes Lili was always present, just hidden under Einar's persona.


Though very demanding,Lili's character meant to Redmayne.


"In an age in which there were no predecessors, there were no transgender women that she was aware of, she had the bravery and the courage to pursue living a life authentic."


Rising star Alicia Vikander is equally remarkable inhabiting Gerda,


a free spirit, a young artist who, while in love with Einar, accepts Lili's emergence and supports her despite the heartbreak she endures.


Vikander expresses feelings and heartache louder than Redmayne.



More earthy and willful than her companion, she appears the masculine force.


