

"Not a single Republican candidate—not one—clearly and consistently supports a real path to citizenship. Now,you know,Senator Rubio actually helped write the 2013 immigration bill. Now he renounces it. They're all moving toward the extreme and away from the rest of America."

“没有一位共和党候选人,没有一个人,能够清晰且始终如一地贯彻移民的真正权利。现在,如你所知的那样,参议员卢比奥曾与民主党人合作,2013年让参议院通过了一项全面的移民改革法案。现在他却否认这项法案。他们都在走向极端, 而且距离其它的美国人民越来越远。”

Unlike Clinton, who focused most of her attention on the Republican field, Sanders and O'Malley both centered on their Democratic rivals.


On 2014's issue of unaccompanied minors crossing into the U.S. from Central America to escape crime and lack of opportunity, Sanders took aim at Clinton.


"I was appalled that so many voices, including some within the Democratic Party, were insisting that large numbers of immigrant children at the border, caught in a humanitarian crisis, be sent back. The United States has an international responsibility to children and families seeking refugee status."


Clinton has defended the policy of returning minors, arguing it would deter families from sending their children alone on a dangerous journey.


O'Malley, who trails both Clinton and Sanders, used the platform to tout his own record on immigration reform as governor of Maryland.


He scolded his Democratic rivals for placing politics before principle.


"We're not going to achieve the deeper understanding necessary to pass comprehensive immigration reform or to shut down the deplorable practice of these expanding immigrant detention camps in our country by taking our cues from our pollsters.”

“我们不希望达成更深层次的理解通过全面移民改革或通过民意调查关闭扩大移民拘留营这样遭人谴责的做法 。”

O'Malley challenged Sanders in particular for voting against a comprehensive immigration bill in 2007.



Sanders, who has since reversed his position, argued at the time that the bill would decrease wages for low-income workers.

