

Located near Capitol Hill,Congressional Cemetery is the only American "cemetery of national memory" founded before the Civil War. Those buried there include legendary FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, famed Civil War photographer Mathew Brady, and many members of the U.S. Congress.


In recent years, the cemetery has been overrun by weeds. Officials didn't want to use herbicides because of the nearby Anacostia River.


So we are always looking for ways to make sure that we are sustainable, that we are not using pesticides that might hurt the environment.


So the cemetery hired goats who embarked on a non-stop eating binge, as if they were at an all-you-can-eat buffet. They're kept corralled on the cemetery grounds by an electronic fence.


The goats are owned by Mary Bowen, whose farm runs a company called Browsing Green Goats. The price tag to clean unwanted vegetation: $4,500 per acre. It sounds expensive, but Bowen says it's about half the price of using herbicides.

山羊主人名叫玛丽·鲍恩,她的农场经营了一家名叫“Browsing Green Goats”的公司。除草价格为每英亩4500美金。听起来很贵,但鲍恩认为这个价钱约除草剂的一半。

The great things about goats: There's no instructions; they don’t take breaks; there's no union; they don't need Sunday afternoon off. They just love eating! The only time they will actually take a break to lay down is to let the vegetation ruminate in their intestine. Otherwise, they are eating.


Private residents can also hire these goats. Diana Davis and her neighbors employ 35 goats to clean their yards in the Heritage Harbor Community of Annapolis, Maryland.

个人也可以租赁山羊。戴安娜·戴维斯和她的邻居“聘请”了35头山羊,为马里兰州安纳波利的“Heritage Harbor”社区院落“清扫”杂草。

Oh, they are doing a wonderful job. Everybody's thrilled. Because we all know how dense it was when they came. And, of course, the neighbors keep coming over to see and they are just amazed.


This is what Bowen was hoping for when she started the project.


The goats to me give such a sense of community and bring people together for a common good. And that makes me feel very good to be of service.



Bowen checks every day to make sure the electronic fence is working properly; she says she has not lost a single goat in five years. Her hope is that, through this approach, more people can actively take part in protecting the environment, while keeping their property manicured and weed-free.

