远去的背影 纪念2015年离开我们的文化政坛巨匠(在线收听

远去的背影 纪念2015年离开我们的文化政坛巨匠

Guitarist B.B. King, who thrilled his fans with songs like The Thrill is Gone, left an indelible mark on blues music. His style was unusual in that he didn’t like to sing and play at the same time.Almost to the time of his death at age 89, he was still performing.

吉他演奏家B.B. King令观众为之震撼的歌曲《The Thrill is Gone(激情已逝)》在蓝调音乐上烙下了难以磨灭的印记。他的风格与众不同的地方在于他总是用不同的曲调唱同一句歌词,还不断地变换发声方式,向你展示蓝调音乐的无穷魅力。几乎在89岁离世时,他仍在表演。

Composer James Horner scored some of the most memorable music in movies for more than 25 years, including the story of the sinking Titanic, which earned him two Academy Awards. At age 61, he tragically died in a plane crash.


Horner also composed music for the film,A Beautiful Mind, inspired by the brilliant but eccentric mathematician, John Nash, who struggled with schizophrenia. Nash, who was awarded the 1994 Nobel Prize for economics, died in a car crash in May.


Actor Leonard Nimoy will be forever known as the logical science officer, Mr. Spock, from the Star Trek TV series and films. He had other parts but could never escape the half-human, half-Vulcan role that made him popular.


Egyptian-born actor Omar Sharif, was a leading man in the 1960s classic Lawrence of Arabia that catapulted him to fame. He appeared in more than 100 films, including Doctor Zhivago, where audiences loved his portrayal of a young doctor in a love triangle.

埃及演员奥玛·沙里夫,曾因出演 20世纪 60年代的经典影片《阿拉伯的劳伦斯》而一举成名。他曾出演包括《日瓦戈医生》在内的100多部影片,观众们喜欢他所扮演陷入三角恋爱的年轻医生。

In the political arena, Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah, a powerful U.S. ally against al-Qaida, sought to modernize the conservative kingdom with increasing reforms. But his first priority was to counter the influence of Iran.


The first and longest-serving prime minister of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew, was in power for 31 years until he stepped down in 1990. He was feared for his strict law-and-order policies and admired for business practices that turned Singapore into a high-technology and financial hub.


Kim Young Sam, the pro-democracy president of South Korea from 1993 to 1998, formally ended decades of military rule. In a country marked by military coups, he laid the foundation for a peaceful transfer of power.


Julian Bond was a longtime U.S.civil rights activist who was on the front lines of protests that led to the nation’s landmark civil rights laws.For 10 years, Bond was the chairman of the NAACP, an organization that fights discrimination against blacks.


American painter and sculptor Ellsworth Kelly was famous for his brightly colored abstract art. His vivid, geometrical paintings are in some of the most prestigious art museums.


Celebrity novelist Jackie Collins thrilled millions of readers with her scandalous tales of Hollywood. Her popular books include Hollywood Wives,which sold 15 million copies around the world.


One of baseball’s beloved stars, Yogi Berra, died at age 90. When he was a catcher with the New York Yankees, his team won the World Series 10 times. Berra is a member of the Baseball Hall of Fame.

