【一起闲话英语】照看宠物-Animal Care(在线收听

Kat / Germany 
speaker Hey, I have a favor to ask. I'm going to be out of town for two days, and I was wondering if you could take care of my hamsters. You just got to come in and feed them. I'll leave the key in the box. Thank you.
Warren / Canada
speaker Hey, would you mind coming over during the week? I'm going out of town for a few days, and my pet cat, she needs some water and some food, just maybe if you could come once a day and make sure there's food and water there for her, that would be good.
Tim / United States 
speaker Hi, Sarah, I'm going out for the weekend, and I wondering if you could go to my house and feed my pet turtle, Shamus. It shouldn't take too much effort. You just need to give them a few pellets. The food is right underneath his tank. Don't feed him too much because it will leave a mess in the tank. And since he's kind of lazy, if you miss a day, it won't be a big deal, because he doesn't need too much food.
Paul / England 
speaker Oh, hi, Dave. I'm terribly sorry, and would appreciate it if you could feed my pet bird. It doesn't eat very much, but as long as you provide some water and some seed, then the bird will be happy. But if you could keep an eye out for the local cat, who is its archenemy.
Mike / Singapore
speaker Hey, can you do me a favor help me feed my pet viper? He's very friendly, so you don't have to worry about him biting you. So just go ahead, put your hand inside the cage and feed him like five mice. THanks.
Katia / Mexico
speaker Hey, this is Katia. Listen, can I ask you for a favor? Could you pass by my apartment? The key is under the mat, and if you can feed my dog the food that's in the pantry on the bottom drawer, and if you can just give him enough for only about one night. If he eats too much, it will not be a very good idea. And if you can just do that for me, that would be great. I'd really appreciate it. Thank you.