英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0216 - 赫扬:从羞涩到女王(在线收听

 Topic1-Proposal on Public Servant Income Rise Draws Controversy

Nanfang Metropolis Daily has published a proposal on constructing a reasonable salary system for public servants. It has triggered heated debate online and during local political meetings. Do you agree public servant should get a pay rise?
Topic2-Teenager Girl Pays by Installment for Plastic Surgery
In Chengdu, an underage girl had plastic surgery, without the consent of her parents. She also owed the hospital over 10 thousand Yuan for her surgery. How could this have happened in the first place?
Topic3-Nearly Half of Respondents Have Social Anxiety
Have you ever felt unconfident in front of others, nervous in dinner parties, distressed among strangers? A survey by China Youth Daily has found that nearly 45 percent of respondents say yes to all the questions above. Approximately 67% of respondents say in comparison to online communication, they have a stronger feeling of social anxiety in face-to-face interaction. Are you a victim of this type of social anxiety?