美国国家公共电台 NPR 2016-1-21(在线收听

 The White House says is confident the supreme court or are called president Obama is exacted actions on immigration. Npr Kwegrl Mendent report just is say the sign whether Obama has the authority implement plan would low millions of immigrates in US  illegally.  This stain work without a few deportation. Taxes in 25 other repbulic...  states there are  challange president plans say goes be on this authority. The white house secretary John are adisagrees. The kinds of executive actions the president took were include in consistent with press thoses establish by other president. Another says Obama for plans gets calles is ok or have beneficial or effects on this security community or acorss the country are positive in partner economy. Obviously positive impact on thousands of  family inside be United State. The supreme court is expected to decided case by liy June. Npr news Washington. 

Vice-president  John Biden had more to say about cancel fighting initiative today  before crowd of international experts and world economy former doubles  for switch-learnt... by new recently lost 46 year old son by Biden bring  cancers says the US speed up improve promising  the new drug  combinations. The food drug administration in agree work with bigger  drug makers. Cancer experts says recently there are excerist by the  promise new care be medicine basically help bodies owner meal system  better cancer tumorous.
International monetary fund is  longing broadcasting goble growth this issue three point four precent.  Npr .... explain the IMF update out turns objection for US growth.  The  IMF sighting increase challenge emergency market major reason for last  optimic outlook for funds economy product deep in expected resession in  Brazil which suffering from globle busting commerdity prices and  political into stability. The IMF still producting six point three  precent growth for China this year , but that slow six point nine  precent China reported 2014. Is slow growth 25 years , the funds US  boradcast for this year was entrance two point six percent to this  strong dollars negative fact down  US exports .  .. NPR news Washington. 
Boradcasting  says tens of million of people who Washington.D.C boosting in the will  Ohio Baily could be effected by end of  the week snow strom.  Boradcasting says this spies by pretty strong moderl this is not clear  where or when the worst strom ....   The boradcast national weather  servers says suffer  could see full or more snow. Involve the same level  areas is expected to past over attackers in the Ohio Baily other around  steable area creating strong conditions. 
Stock markets  around today in hollywud later stock the trading   week the 1 point DOW  180 points last much those games the DOW and update 27 points 16016 the  NASQ close down 11 points. Your listening npr news Washingtong. 