

Trina Lucido creates coloring books and inspirations are all around her.


“One day I saw a beautiful leaf, and boom, I did a whole page with leaves. So, some came from sketchbooks. Some were just one-word inspiration, and some I just saw something on the ground and that was my inspiration that day.”


Her latest just called “Color, Write and Create” a coloring journal. It contains 40 pages of hand-sketched drawings and lines to write on.


“The idea behind this book is a big idea which to encourage people to be creative. Something else that I heard from people:They are buying these for people who are either ill or going through a rough time. And they feel that this is something that kind of helps them, almost therapeutic.”


Adults coloring books is a big business. In December, five of the top 10 best-selling books in the US were coloring books.


“Color, Write and Create” is the latest addition to Lucido's product line that started twenty years ago with handmade greeting cards.


“It's a diary and a sketchbook only once called art journal.”


Over the years, she's created a variety of collectables made of paper, fabric and antique materials.


“Everything you do is sort of vantage flare to it.”


Business and marketing expert Hillary Tattersall says adults coloring books are an important way for Lucido to grow her online business, Jubilee Flea, and hopefully move toward mass production.


“So many of her products that I personally have sold and represented with Trina over the years have been one of kinds. To have a commercial success, you need hundreds and hundreds and hopefully thousands and thousands and tens of thousands.”


Lucido's adults coloring books are also available in local stores where grown-ups are more than happy to sit down and go to work.


“It's very relaxing. Any stress just sort of falls away. It frees your mind. I love her little birds. There is just something about them. They make me smile. So I'm saving the bird pictures to the very end I think.”



For now, there is strong demand for adult coloring books, and that keeps Lucido happy and busy.

