科学美国人60秒 SSS 2016-1-5(在线收听

 After Connecticut passed a law requiring gun background checks and gun safety courses, gun deaths decreased by forty percent. Forty percent. Prsident Obama today.

  In his announcement that he would take executive action to require more gun sellers to be lisenced and to do background checks on gun buyers. He also touched upon the problems facing public hearlth researchers who try to study gun violence or deaths.
  Meanwhile since Missouri repealed a law requiring comprehensive background checks and gun purchase permit, gun deaths have  increased to almost fifty percent higher than the national average. One study found unsurprisingly that criminals in Missouri now have easy access to guns. And the evidence tells us in states that require background checks, law-abiding Americans don't find  it any harder to purchase  guns whatsoever. Their guns have not been confiscated. Their rights have not been infringed. And that's just the information we have access to. With more research we can further gun safety just as with more research we have reduced traffic fatalities enormously over the last thirty years. We do research when cars, food, medicine even toys harm people so that we made them safer.
And you know what research science. Those are the good things they work. They do. But think about this. When it comes to an inherently deadly weapon, nobody argues that  guns are potentially deadly weapons that kill tens of thousands of Americans every year. Congress actually voted to make it harder  for public health experts to conduct research and gun violence, make it harder to collect  data and facts, and develop strategies to reduce gun violence.