英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0218 - 国人必备砍价技能get!(在线收听

Topic1-Future stars will need English to shine
Will English be a must-have skill for China's entertainment stars in the future? The answer is probably yes, as evident from the change in some of the country's top art colleges' annual admission examinations on Monday. Is it imperative for future stars to learn the Lingua Franca?
Topic2-Wechat Memes May Get You Repatriate from Foreign Countries
Most wechat users love to use memes or 微信表情包. Using memes can be pretty efficient in getting your point across, but can also get you deported from Canada.
Two Chinese students were recently deported by the Canadian customs service for possession of obscene content in their WeChat conversations and memes.
Topic3-The popularity of adaptations driving sales of original books
According to a 2015 book sales chart recently published by Amazon.cn, the books which have been adapted into popular TV shows or films have seen a sharp spike in sales. The vice president for Amazon.cn says this is a winning model which brings people back to intensive reading. Do you agree?
Bargaining in Chinese markets can be similar to fighting a war, if you are vigilant and calm enough, you can have the upper hand!
Let’s discuss strategies and compare notes. So we can leave the show with ample ammunition to claim victory in this mental war!