
   1. rely on=depend on 依靠v.

  2. avoid=stay away=keep away=steer clear of=make a detour 避免v.
  3. die out=extinct=disappear=no longer exist 灭绝 v.
  4. hunt=search for=look for=try to find=in search of 打猎v.
  5. limb=arm or leg=body=organ 四肢 n.
  6. perceive=sense=see=spot=become aware of=observe 感知,感觉v.
  7. calculate=measure=work out=figure=estimate=access 计算v.
  8. detection=finding=observation 探测 n.
  9. coin=invent=make=create=come up with 发明,创造 v.
  10. inaccurate=incorrect=wrong=misleading 不精确的 adj.
  11. revision=change=shift=reform=alteration 改进 n.
  12. downward=fall=drop=downhill 下降的 adj.
  13. increasing=soaring=growing=rising 上升的adj.
  14. primarily=mainly=largely=chiefly=principally 主要地 adv.
  15. due to=because of=as a result of=thanks to=owing to 因为16. decrease=reduce=fall=drop 下降v.
  17. radical=not traditional=new=unconventional 激进的adj.
  18. prior to=beforehand=before=in advance=on the eve of 之前19. demanding=difficult=hard=challenging=tough 要求高的,艰难的 adj.
  20. well known=notorious=famous=renowned 著名的 adj.
  21. admit=acknowledge=confess=to tell the truth 承认 v.
  22. be similar to=like=resemble=bear a resemblance to=akin to 相似 v.
  23. result in=lead to=cause=give rise to=bring about 引发,导致24. sophisticated=advanced=high-tech=complex=complicated 复杂的25. address=solve=deal with=handle 处理 v.
  26. imitate=copy=impersonate=follow one's example 模仿 v.
  27. maintain=continue=carry on=keep up=preserve 维持 v.
  28. feed=eat=have=chew=swallow=consume 喂食 v.
  29. illustrate=show=demonstrate=make clear=reflect 说明 v.
  30. memorise=learn=commit something to memory 记忆 v.
  31. conventional=traditional=conformist=conservative 传统的 v.
  32. notice=see=spot=be aware of=be conscious of 注意到 v.
  33. retain=keep=save=hold on to 保持 v.
  34. convince=persuade=win sb. over=satisfy 使确信 v.
  35. spectacular=impressive=imposing=striking=grand 壮观的 adj.