
Travel Etiquette出行礼仪
Don't say "Top of the morning toyou": "I don't know how this phrase became associated with Irish people, perhaps it was used in the distant past. But it's not now, and it'sjust really irritating."
Don't attempt an Irish accent: "To us there is no Irish accent; there are Cork accents, Dublin accents, Kerry accents etc. For us an accent contains reams of unspoken information about a person (Urban/Rural, social status) aside from the locational information."
Don't be cheap: "The classic is in arounds situation at a pub. If someone is offering to buy the first round, it is perfectly acceptable to say 'Oh I'm on a budget, I'll get my own.' It is not okto join the round and then not pay for one."
Don't call the UK the mainland: "As far as we're concerned,Franceis the mainland."