澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2016-02-02(在线收听

Now as parliament begins its election-year sittings, talking points for Coalition MPs have been leaked within an hour to be distributed by the prime minister’s office. The talking points were supposed to be used to put Labor party under pressure. They include social media images linking unions to criminals, and suggesting targeting Opposition Leader Bill Shorten over his evidence to the union’s Royal Commission. Resources Minister Josh Frydenberg denied that the leaks showed disunity within the coalition.
“Some are probably still disgruntled but that is not any different to what Labor work is like. You know, I can stop anybody. Somebody must links and talking points. But I think they reflects a broader sense of disunity in the government.” Josh Frydenberg on our programs a few moments ago. 
Now in the meantime, the Federal Government’s going to today introduce a bill to reinstate Australian building and construction commissions. The bill’s passage is not assured with Labor and Greens opposed, and only two of crossbenchers so far declaring support. As part of those negotiations, Workplace Relations Minister Michaelia Cash will allow the Labor party and the Greens to see an edited copy of a secret section of the union’s Royal Commission report.
The World Health Organization has declared the Zika Virus a global health emergency, but says it’s still not scientifically proven to cause birth effects. The WHO is holding talks in Geneva as experts warn there could be 4 million mosquito born virus in the Americas. Environmental factors, toxins and drugs are all linked to that condition.