公众人物毕业演讲 第205期:杰雷诺2014爱默生学院(3)(在线收听

   It was called Emerson

  And I came here in May for a meeting
  and it was told there was not much chance to get into the fall semester学校告诉我 我没有秋季入学的机会
  especially a migrate
  Then I just pleaded with the administrator, I said, look我请求管理者说
  Look, this is my last chance
  this is the only place where I can learn how to be a comedian这是我想成为喜剧演员 唯一能去的位置
  the only place that can help me do that
  He paused for a moment and he said, well, make up a joke about Emerson他顿了一下 说 那你讲个关于爱默生学院的笑话吧You want to be a comedian
  Say something funny about this place
  I took a moment and I said okay
  我想了下 说
  here's the weird thing about Emerson College爱默生学院的这一点很有趣
  You can have girls in your room, you can have drugs in your room你可以把女生带到寝室 可以把毒品带到寝室
  you can have sex in your room 24 hours a day if you wanted to如果你想 一天做爱24小时都没人管
  The only thing you're not allowed to have, a hotplate他们唯一不让你做的事是 使用电炉
  A man went by, what's going on
  有人会来敲门问 你们在搞什么
  It's getting late and getting hot, you're cooking soup这里感觉好热 你们肯定是在煮汤
  Hey, you're making soup in there
  嘿 你们肯定是在煮汤
  Against all the rules and disregarding my bad academic record我违反过好多规则 学术成绩也很糟糕
  he said you're willing to go to summer school他问 你想读暑期班吗
  And I said, yeah, yeah, I've got no problems with summer school我说 好好 读暑期班我没意见
  And he said you're in
  他说 那你来吧
  And for the first time in my life, being
  funny have gotten me something besides detention通过讲笑话获得奖励 而不是被关禁闭
  actually got me into college
  And for the second time in my life
  I met people with the same interest as me又碰到和我志同道合的人
  This is the first place
  people didn't roll their eyes when they say they want to be a comedian说想成为喜剧演员不用遮遮掩掩的地方
  You know when you say that to your parents, friends, they're like一般来说 当你跟父母或朋友说想当喜剧演员时oh, we're sorry
  他们会说 我们很遗憾
  Heard about Jay
  And our dorm was a 206 big history
  the first time I did comedy with my roommate Jim Bronstein我第一次在里面跟室友吉姆·布朗斯丁演喜剧
  also a student who went on to be a comedy writer as well这个学生后来成为了一名喜剧作家