
Smartphone Cements its Supremacy in Mobile World 智能手机在移动领域巩固其霸主地位

The smartphone is king.

And it’s reign in on full display in Barcelona at the annual Mobile World Congress, one of the world's biggest mobile shows.


"The smartphone is getting more powerful, more connected to all the things you might have at home or with you," said Shu On Kwok, senior editor at AndroidPIT.

“智能手机正变得越发强大, 能连接到你可能在家里或随时携带的所有的东西”。

So, move over home computer — smartphones are taking the lead in allowing us to control the Internet of Things, or IOT for short.


"IOT, it's a buzz word, but what it really means is your smartphone becomes the center of not only your mobile life on the go, but of everything within your home," said Nirave Gondhia, editor of Android Authority


And the number of those smartphone-connected devices is rising, from electric toothbrushes to home robots equipped with cameras, lasers and a range of sensors.


Another area seeing improvements: smartphone cameras.


Some are capable of changing focal length, while others keep the image sharp at all times or offer 360-degree vision.


"So when you are at the bar, it is easier to fit more people in your selfie," according to Nicole Scott, co-founder of Mobile Geeks.


LG's G5 phone lets users add different attachments, as well as replacement batteries.


But wait, there’s more.


Thanks to a partnership between Facebook and Samsung, instead of meeting friends online through what amounts to a video phone, soon we will be socializing and making videos in virtual reality.


Samsung's Gear 360 camera, with front and back lenses, will connect with the company's phones and the Gear VR headset.

而三星Gear 360全景相机的前后镜头,将与自家公司的电话及VR耳机连接。

"One day soon, all of us are going to have the power to broadcast live what we're doing, whenever we want, so that way our friends and families and the people we care about can experience it as if they are right there with us,” said Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg.

“不久的一天, 不管我们何时想要的话,我们所有人将能够直播在做什么,因此,我们的朋友和家人及我们关心的人能够有这样的亲身体验,就好像他们正和我们在一起一样。”

As in previous years, Apple did not attend the show but, according to rumors, the company plans to launch a new iPad in March.

