羡慕哭:若有来世 我也愿做英国女王的柯基(在线收听

   Their behaviour has not always been particularly regal towards footmen or other dogs.

  But at dinner time the Queen’s beloved corgis and dorgis know their place, sitting obediently around Her Majesty as they are served individual menus that they receive in order of seniority.
  The carefully tailored menus even include herbal remedies, according to an animal psychologist who worked with the royal pets.
  羡慕哭:若有来世 我也愿做英国女王的柯基
  Dr Roger Mugford, who has dealt with doggy discipline problems at Buckingham Palace for more than 20 years, said: ‘At feeding times, each dog had an individually designed menu, including an array of homeopathic and herbal remedies.
  ‘Their food was served by a butler in an eclectic collection of battered silver and porcelain dishes.
  ‘As I watched, the Queen got the corgis to sit in a semi-circle around her, and then fed them one by one, in order of seniority. The others just sat and patiently waited their turn.’
  Over the years, Her Majesty has had 30 corgis. At one time there were said to be 13, but she is now down to two, Willow and Holly, both 12, and two dorgis, Candy and Vulcan.
  It was reported last year that she will not replace them when they die because she does not wish to leave any of her beloved pets behind when she dies.