【买车】发现车的质量问题-Detecting a Problem with the Car(在线收听

A: I was thinking about buying this used car, and was wondering 
if you would take a look at it for me to see if it has any problems.
B: Sure, pull up over there and we'll take a look.
A: I just wasn't sure what to look for.
B: The first thing you do is look for any signs of wear both inside and out. We 
will also look at the body for signs of major repair.
A:Someone told me that I could go online and see if the car is listed as having 
been in a major accident.
B: Yes, that's right. Next, we will turn on the engine and I will check under 
the hood to look at the hoses and belts.
A: Should we take the car for a drive?
B:Yes, but before we pull away, let's check to make sure that the radio, turn 
signals, lights, and seats all work properly.
A:As I am driving what should I be checking?
B: You want to make sure that the brakes don't pull to one side and that the car 
has good alignment and acceleration.
A: Thanks for your help.
B: You are welcome. Enjoy driving your car!