探索发现:BBC:古代圣贤:佛祖释迦牟尼 Buddha-1(在线收听

 Since the dawn of civilization, the forces of nature and the whims of gods held sway over humanity. -But two and half thousand years ago, humankind experienced a profound transformation. 

Suddenly, there were new possibilities. 
-This is a time nationality over superstition and belief.
-This is an ethic, which does not rely on the gods. 
-The world is not explained in terms of natural forces. We are now responsible for our own destiny. 
Upheavals across the globe sparked an ambitious vision of what humans could achieve, spell-headed by three trailled laces.
-Socrates, Confucius and the Buddha, great thinkers of the ancient world, whose ideas still shape our own lives. Is wealth a good thing? 
-How do you crave at just 30?
-I know I live a good life. 
My daring to think the unthinkable. They lay the foundations of our modern world. I'm always intrigued by the fact that these men, who lived many thousands miles apart, seemed almost spontaneously within a hundred years of one after another to come up with such radical ways of thinking. 