公众人物毕业演讲 第229期:威廉麦克雷文2014德州大学演讲(2)(在线收听

   But, if every one of you changed the lives of just ten people但是 如果你们每个人能够改变十个人的命运

  and each one of those people changed the lives of another ten people然后这十个人中的每一个再改变另外十个人的命运and another ten
  then in five generations, 125 years
  那么五代人后 125年以后
  the class of 2014
  will have changed the lives of 800 million people你们将总共能改变八亿人的命运
  800 million people
  think about it over twice the population of the United States想想 这超过了美国人口的两倍
  Go one more generation and you can change the entire population of the world再往前一代 你们将能够改变全世界所有人的命运8 billion people
  If you think it's hard to change the lives of ten people不要认为自己没能力改变十个人的命运
  change their lives forever you're wrong
  I saw it happen every day in Iraq and Afghanistan我在伊拉克和阿富汗每天都在碰到这样的例子
  A young Army officer makes a decision to go left一位年轻的军官决定往左走
  instead of right down a road in Baghdad
  and the ten soldiers with his are saved from close-in ambush十位战士就因此免受了敌人的伏击
  In Kandahar province, Afghanistan
  a non-commissioned officer from the Female Engagement Team senses something isn't right来自女性战斗小队的一位士官察觉到了异常
  and directs the infantry platoon away from a 500 pound IED指挥步兵小组远离了一颗500磅的IED炸弹
  saving the lives of a dozen soldiers
  But, if you think about it
  not only were these soldiers saved by the decisions of one person一个人的决策并不是只挽救了这些士兵的生命
  but their children were saved and their children's children他们的子女也会由此得救 还有他们子女的子女Generations were saved by one decision of one person一个人的一个决定 就挽救了数代人
  But changing the world can happen anywhere and anyone can do it任何人 在任何地方 都可以改变世界
  So, what starts here can indeed change the world从这里开始 我们确实能够改变世界
  but the question is, what will the world look like after you change it?
  不过问题是 世界被改变后 会变成怎样