
   Misunderstandings are the biggest problem in most relationships. Sometimes it can be solved easily, you just don’t know what it is exactly. It could be that she doesn’t feel loved. When you love someone, you can easily take it for granted. But love is not something to think lightly about. It’s one of the most important things in life, because every other aspect is touched by it.

  But how do you show it? It may not come easy to everyone. Appreciating a person can be done in many ways. So I will help you on your way. Here are 25 ways to show her you really do love her!
  但你要怎么表现呢?也许每个人都不容易。在很多方面是可以做到的欣赏一个人。所以我会给你一些帮助。这里有25种方法给她你真的爱她1.Talk respectfully. Don’t make her feel like she is less important.
  2. Listen to her. Not just to the words she’s saying but to the feeling she tries to express.
  3. Compliment her. Be specific, so she knows you really mean it.
  4. Try to show interest in things she enjoys. Does she like cooking? Help her! Does she like sports? Play it with her! Does she like art? Watch it with her!
  5. Consider her opinion before making a decision. Ask her what she thinks and honestly consider it.
  6. Be forgiving. There is no better way to love someone than to openly forgive and forget. Holding a grudge will not improve your relationship.
  7. Plan a small trip. Take her to a place where you can spend quality time.
  8. Set goals together. If you know from each other what you are working toward, it is easier to support each other. Also, having goals together will bring you closer.
  9.Admit your mistakes. Being open and honest, showing that you too are imperfect will make her feel closer to you.
  10.Have her back. If you get in a situation where you have to choose between your wife and others, choose her. Especially when it is a situation with your family. She already feels like she took you away from them, she needs to feel that you don’t hold that against her.
  11. Give her a mini massage, like a backrub. Who doesn’t enjoy attention like that?
  12. If she’s not feeling well, even just a headache, make sure you help her out as much as possible. She takes care of you all the time, so show her you appreciate that by taking care of her.
  13. When she asks you to help out with something, don’t respond annoyed. Show her you don’t mind giving a hand. She doesn’t enjoy everything she needs to do either, but someone has to do it.
  14.When you discus a serious subject, don’t go off joking around.Peacefully listen and talk.
  15.When having a conversation, look her in the eye. Show her that you are listening. Don’t get distracted.
  16. Spend as much time as possible with her. She wants to feel like she is the most important person in the world to you. Spending time is the number one thing you do with the number one person in your life.
  17. Put effort into looking good. Workout, shave, shower, put on some deodorant. Whatever makes her feel attracted to you, do it.
  18. Help out around the house, without special recognition! You don’t have to brag about doing something that she does every day.
  19.Be supportive. When she shows that something she wants to do means a lot to her, support her. I wanted to be a writer and told my husband, and see where I am today, writing!
  20.If she says something is bothering her, don’t ignore it. Talk about it. Small things that stay on your mind, will grow into big things that are hard to solve.
  21. Work on yourself. Everyone changes over time. When she mentions some behavior that she doesn’t appreciate, show her you are trying to improve on it.
  22. Surprise her. Give her a lovely card or letter. Show up with flowers. Buy her that bracelet she wanted. Anything small is good. Surprises are what keep your relationship alive.
  23. When in a relaxed state, make her comfortable. For example, when watching tv, sit close and cuddle her or hold her hand.
  24. Let her know you think of her when you are not together, by texting or calling.
  25. Be pro-active. If she notices that you are trying the best you can at all times, she will respect you for that.