雅思口语高频范文:a long journey you had by car(在线收听

 雅思口语里有一个题目是 a long journey you had by car,这个题目其实可以和an educational trip,atrip you'd like to go on in thefuture.类似这种trip的题目同学们其实准备一个核心语料就够了,后期再根据雅思考试时问到的具体话题做调整。

  Describe a long journey you traveled by car.
  You should say:
  when and where you went
  who you went with
  what you saw
  and explain why you went there by car.
  I’d like to talk about a holiday I took during the October break. Everyyear in China the first week of October is a national holiday and many peopletake the opportunity to travel. China’s population is huge, so, as you canimagine, some places can get very busy.
  A few years back, when I first moved to Beijing, I decided to spend theholiday in In-ner Mongolia. I had heard it was beautiful, the culture wasinteresting and best of all there were not so many tourists! It sounded likebliss.
  My best friend and his girlfriend said they wanted to come and agreed toshare the driving. Another friend didn’t have a driving license, so he just camealong for the ride. We rented a car for a week and drove overnight to avoid someof the notorious Beijing traffic.
  While we were driving we saw towering mountains, lush forests and amagnificent lake called Dali Lake. There was also a very impressive bridge thathad been built over a deep valley.
  The reason we decided to go by car was that we wanted to go to quite remoteparts of Inner Mongolia that are not accessible by train or plane. I’d alwaysliked the idea of driving on the open road and having a car lets you explore atyour own pace, allowing you to stop and take pictures whenever you want. Withfour people sharing the fuel and rental costs, it also worked out reasonablycheap.