
 Quitting a nicotine addiction is never easy, regardless of the nicotine product. No addiction is entirely chemical, so addressing the ritual and social aspect of your addiction is equally critical to successfully quitting. Support from your friends and family helps, but the most important changes have to come from you. A step-by-step guide for beating your nicotine addiction helps address the obstacles 

1 Identify your reasons for quitting. Everyone is different, so note the reasons most important to you, such as your children's health or a smoke-induced illness. Having a clear goal or incentive for long-term success makes quitting more purposeful.
1  明确你戒烟的原因。每个人都是不同的,因此明确你戒烟最重要的原因,比如为了孩子的健康或由于二手烟导致的疾病。拥有一个明确的目标或动机使长期成功戒烟更有针对性。
2 Set a quit date. Decrease withdrawal by choosing a date that is at least one week away, but don't wait much longer or you risk continually postponing your quitting plans. Begin cutting back on the amount of nicotine you consume during this week. Your quit day won't feel so drastic if you incrementally reduce your nicotine consumption over several days. http://www.hxen.com
2  设定戒烟日期。选择至少一周时间脱瘾,但这个时间不能太长,不然你会不断推迟戒烟计划。这一周开始减少吸烟。如果你在这几天逐渐减少吸烟,你就没有多大感觉到在戒烟。
3 Share your goal. Telling your friends and family increases your accountability and gives you the opportunity to explain what you need from them, such as not smoking or chewing around you. Encourage a friend to quit with you, beating any addiction is always easier with a supportive partner.
3  分享你的目标。告诉你的朋友和家人可以增加你的责任感,还可以说明你需要他们做什么,比如在你身边不吸烟或嚼烟草。鼓励一个朋友跟你一起戒烟,有个支持者对戒除任何上瘾都比较容易。来源:恒星英语
4 Write down the times you are most likely to smoke or chew such, as after a meal or during your work break. Beating any addiction is easier when you know your triggers and can find appropriate replacement activities.
4  记下你最想吸烟或嚼烟草的时刻,例如饭后或休息时间。当你知道它的导火线并作适当的活动代替,比较容易戒掉任何上瘾。
5 Change your routine on quitting day. This day should be the start of a new, healthier you, so set yourself up for success by avoiding your previous pitfalls. If your previous routine included waking up, walking the dog, eating your breakfast and having a cigarette before taking a shower, change your routine. Instead, try eating a power bar while walking your dog and shower immediately after returning to avoid tempting downtime.
5  戒烟时期改变你的日常行为。这一天应该是你重新做一个健康自己的开始,所以为了自己的成功,避免你以前的错误。如果你以前的日常事务包括散步,遛狗,吃早餐和洗澡前抽根烟,那么改变你的习惯。取而代之的是尝试遛狗和洗澡时吃棒状食品避免停下来的诱人息时间。
6 Try new things and keep busy. Anything that physically prevents you from smoking or chewing is a great activity. Some good examples of distractions include swimming, yoga, knitting or even playing video games if you're bored. Try committing more free time someplace where smoking is prohibited, such as an animal shelter or a children's hospital.
7 Document your feelings. The first weeks of quitting nicotine are rough, so try writing down you emotions, successes and temptations to channel that energy in a productive way. Continue journaling for several months so you can see the changes in yourself and your life. If you ever go back to smoking or chewing, having a journal will help you identify your mistakes the first time.
7  如实记录你的感受。戒烟的第一周是非常困难的,所以试着记下你的情绪,成功经验和诱惑物,来有效地传递能量。保持写日记几个月,你就会看到你自己和生活上的变化。如果你曾经放弃又吸烟,那么写日记可以帮助你第一时间明确你的错误。
8 Reward yourself each day you stay nicotine free. Some people find having a money jar especially helpful. Put the cash you would normally have spent on nicotine products into a jar at the end of each day. You'll be amazed how quickly you save enough money for a rewarding activity like great seats at a sporting event or a relaxing massage.
8  奖励自己每天不吸烟。一些人觉得用储钱罐是非常有用的。在每天最后把平时买烟的钱放进储钱罐里。你会被你这么快就能为一个有益的活动如运动会上一个好座位或者一个放松按摩存够钱而感到惊讶。