

[00:00.00]Listening Comprehension  (20 minutes)

[00:-1.00]Section A

[00:-2.00]Directions:In this section,you will hear 10 short conversations.At the end of each conversation a question will be asked about what was said.Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once.After each question there will be a pause.During the pause,you must read the four choices marked [A],[B],[C] and [D],and decide which is the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

[00:-3.00]1.Q:Why is Mary worried?  A.She worried about her husband.  B.She worried about John.  C.She had spent too much money.  D.John might get mad when the comes home.

[00:15.00]2.Q:For how many hours did Darol study?  A.Eight hours.  B.Five hours.  C.Seven hours.  D.Six hours.

[00:33.00]3.Q:What can we infer from the dialogue?  A.The man hasn't seen the film because he is busy.  B.The man has seen the film.  C.The woman missed is ticket.  D.The woman likes the film.

[00:47.65]4.Q:How much did the woman give the boy?  A.$65.  B.$39.  C.$100.  D.$50.

[01:12.23]5.Q:What does the man ask the woman to do?  A.Go on a diet.  B.Have a snack.  C.Stop screaming.  D.In a park.

[01:25.11]6.Q:Where did this conversation probably take place?  A.In a zoo.  B.In a park.  C.In a pet store.  D.In a museum.

[01:42.40]7.Q:What does the man imply?  A.He found something missing while packing.  B.He's got everything ready to leave.  C.He can't find his camera.  D.He'll pack one more thing into the suitcase.

[01:53.61]8.Q:What will the woman probably do at once?  A.Talk to her husband on the phone.  B.Invite the man to visit her house.  C.Meet her husband first.  D.Go to see Mary immediately.

[02:08.74]9.Q:When will the plane take off?  A.At 8:30.  B.At.9:00.  C.At 9:00.  D.At 10:00.

[02:21.61]10.Q:What's the most probably relationship between the two speakers?  A.Doctor and patient.  B.Husband and wife.  C.Shop assistant and customer.  D.Boss and employee.

[02:20.61]Section B

[02:19.61]Directions:In this section,you will hear 3 short passage.At the end of each passage,you will hear some questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear one question,you must choose the best answer from the four the four choices marked [A],[B],[C] and [D].Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

[02:34.56]Passage One

[02:33.56]Questions 11 to 14 are based on the passage you have just heard.

[04:15.07]11.The speaker focuses on which aspect of Mark Twain's life?  A.His travels.  B.His short stories.  C.His finances.  D.His family.

[04:22.43]12.Where do most people think Twain was born?  A.Florida.  B.California.  C.Nevada.  D.Hannibal.

[04:28.13]13.Why did Twain go West?  A.He wanted to be a journalist.  B.He liked the climate there.  C.He wanted to get away from the army.  D.He was sent there by his father.

[04:33.90]14.What connection does the lecturer suggest between Twain's travels and his writings?  A.His stories were inspired by his travels.  B.His travels preventd him from writing.  C.He traveled in order to relax from the pressures of writing.  D.He traveled around to publicize his writings.

[04:42.63]Passage Two

[04:41.63]Questions 15 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.

[06:10.60]15.Why did the speaker decide to buy a small secondhand motorbike?  A.Because the train fares went up four times last year.  B.Because he could afford a car.  C.Because traffic jams worried him very much.  D.Because he thought he might save money and time.

[06:17.50]16.According to the passage,what does the speaker often need to wear for riding a motorbike?  A.His sun-glasses. B.His leather boots.  C.Safety helmet.  D.Raincoat.

[06:25.59]17.Why is the speaker not sure now whether going to work by motorbike is any cheaper than by train?  A.Train fares are going down.  B.He has bought a much better motorbike.  C.The tax on motorbikes has increased.  D.He has to pay more for petro

[06:35.21]Passage Three

[06:34.21]Questions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.

[08:14.88]18.When did the true story take place?  A.During the Revolutionary War.  B.In 1812.  C.When the British invaded Lessburg.  D.When the Parliament feared for the safety of the priceless document.

[08:21.83]19.Where did the young man hide the precious document?  A.In a large bag.  B.In a wagon.  C.Beneath his shirt.  D.Under his coat.

[08:27.79]20.Which of the following titles is best for the passage?  A.A Young Man Saved the Declaration of Independence  B.Stephen Pleasant and His Deeds  C.James Monroe-A Hero of the United States  D.The Fate of the Declaration of Independence

[08:26.79]Reading Comprehension  (35 minutes)

[08:25.79]Directions:There are 4 passage in this part.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are for choices marked [A],[B],[C] and [D].You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

[08:24.79]Passage One

[08:23.79]Question 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.

[08:22.79]The promise of finding long-term technological solutions to the problem of world food shortages seems difficult to fulfill.Many innovations that were once heavily supported and publicized,such as fish-protein concentrates,have since fallen by the wayside.The proposals themselves were technically feasible,but they proved to be economically unfeasible and yielded food products culturally unacceptable to their consumers.Recent innoyations such as opaque-2 maize,Antarctic krill(磷虾群),seem more promising,but it is stil too early to predict their ultimate fate.One characteristic common to unsuccessful food innovations had been that,even with extensive government support,they often have not been technologically adapted or culturally acceptable to the people for whom they had been developed.A successful new technology,therefore,must fit the entire sociocultural system in which it is to find a place.Security of crop yield,pracitcality of storage and costs are much more significant than had previously been realized.But the protein quality in tortillas made from opaque-2 maize will be of only limited benefit to a family on the margin of subsistence if the new maize is not culturally acceptable or is more vulnerable to insects.The adoption of new food technologies depends on more these technical and cultural considerations;economic factors and govermental policies also strongly influence the ultimate success of any innovation.Economists in the Anglo-American tradition have taken the lead in investigating the economics of technological innovation.Although they exaggerate in claiming that profitability is the key factor guiding technical change-they completely disregard the substantial effects of culture-htey are correct in stressing the importance of profits.Most technological innovations in agriculture can be fully used only by large landowners and are only adopted if these profit-oriented business people believe innovations that carry high rewards for big agribusiness groups will be adopted even if they harm segments of the population and reduce the availability of food in a country.Since Large segments of the populations of many developing countries are close to the subsistence margin and essentially powerless,they tend to be the losers in this system unless they are aided by a government policy that takes into account the needs of all sectors of hte economy.Therefore,although technical advances in food production and processing will perhaps be needed to ensure food availability,meeting food needs will depend much more on equalizing economic power among the various segments of the populations within the developing countries themselves.

[08:21.79]21.The first paragraph of the passage best supports which of the following statements?  A.Too much publicity can harm the chances for the success of a new food innovation.  B.Innovations that produce culturally acceptable crops will generally be successful.  C.A food-product innovation can be technically feasible and still not be economically teasible.  D.It is difficult to decide whether a food-product innovation has actually been a success.

[08:20.79]22.According to the passage,the use of Antarctic krill as a food is an innovation whose future is_.  A.basically gloomy but still uncertain  B.somewhat promising but very tentative  C.generally bright and virtually assured  D.endangered by certain technical problems

[08:19.79]23.It can be inferred the passage that the author was unable to assess the truth of which of the following statements about opaque-2 maize?  A.It is a more recent innovation that the use of fish-protein concentrates.  B.It can be stored as easily as other varieties of maize.  C.It is more popular than the fish-protein concentrates.  D.It is more susceptible to insects than are other varieties of maiz

[08:18.79]24.The author provides a sustained argument to support which of the following assertions?  A.Profitability is neither necessary nor sufficient for a new technology to be adopted.  B.Profitability is the key factor guiding technological change.  C.Opaque-2 maize is of limited benefit to poor families in developing countries.  D.Economic factors and governmental policies strongly influence the uoltimate success of any innovation.

[08:17.79]25.The primary purpose of the passage is to discuss the _.  A.difficulties of applying technological solutions to the problem of food shortages  B.means of assessing the extent of the world food shortage  C.costs of introducing a new food technology into a developing country  D.nature of the new technological innovations in the area of food production

[08:16.79]Passage Two

[08:15.79]Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.

[08:14.79]We have emphasized so far the significance of scarcity-the limited means to satisfy human wants.Because of scarcity,choices are necessary.An easy example of the problem of choice is a person's decision about how to allocate his or her time.As the old saying goes,"There are only 24 hours in a day."If we take off 8 hours for a reasonable night's sleep,this leaves 16 hours to be allocated among all other possible things-working at one or more jobs,watching TV,studying,playing tennis,etc.-one can do with the limited available waking hours.Clearly,each person must make choices about how much of their limited available time will be spent on each possible activity.When choices are made among alternatives such as those just described,it becomes plain that choosing one alternative often involves giving up another.For example,suppose you go to classes 4 hours a day and get 8 hours of sleep.You will have an additional 12 waking hours to allocate per day.Suppose now that the only other activities you view as worth pursuing are watching TV and studying.If you choose to watch TV for 12 hours a day,no time will be left for studying,assuming you continue to sleep for 8 hours in each 24-hour period and do not cut classes.If you choose each day to devote 6 hours to studing,only 6 of the 12 waking hours will be available for watching TV.You must give up the opportunity of watching more hours of TV in the process of choosing to study.We can therefore say that the decision to study costs you 6 hours of TV watching.Economists use the term opportunity cost to mean the cost of a specific choice measured in terms of the next best alternative choice.In other words,it is what the decision maker must forego in order to make the choice that is finally made.Thus,in our example,the opportunity cost of studying for 6 hours was 6 hours of watching TV.We can see many other examples of opportunity costs around us.For example,governments are faced with limited budgets and therefore with limited resources that can be used to provide goods and services to citizens.If a goverment chooses to improve its military forces,it may well do so by allocating fewer resources for libraries or schools.The opportunity cost of a strong defense may be a reduction in the size of library holdings or educational services.

[08:13.79]26.What is most probably the key point discussed immediately before this passage?  A.The shortage of resources.  B.Opportunity cost.  C.Making choices.  D.Limited time.

[08:12.79]27.According to the passage,choices must be made because_.  A.there are only 24 waking hours in a day  B.there is too much for us to do  C.our means are limited,but our wants are unlimited  D.resources are abundant

[08:11.79]28.According to the passage,economists define "opportunity cost" as "_".  A.the cost of a better choice measured in terms of cash  B.an opportunity given up in terms of cash  C.the cost of a specific choice measured in terms of any alternative choice  D.giving up a specific choice for the next best alternative

[08:10.79]29.In the example cited in the passage,the opportunity cost of studying for 4 hours per day was_.  A.4 hours of classes  B.4 hours of watching TV  C.8 hours of sleep  D.4 hours of sleep

[08:09.79]30.If a government choose to allocate more of its resources to its military forces,there is a possibility of reduction in resources allocated for_.  A.libraries and business firms  B.education and business firms  C.libraries,business firms and education  D.libraries and education

[08:08.79]Passage Three

[08:07.79]Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.

[08:06.79]I was listening sleepily to that ingenious contraption,my digital clock radio,the other morning,when I half-heard one of those items that infects your day.It was about a new invention.A genius has decided that we wait too long at supermarket check-outs,and so he has developed a considerate computer to let the brain take the strain.It all involves weighing,and tearing off special little tage from each item you buy,and feeding them into a machine and weighing again.Now I can recall a time when there were a few long queues in supermarkets,because the companies ploughed their profits into employing two people at each check-out:one to ring up and the other to help you speedily pack.Remember?It was also when every garage was staffed by friendly men who filled the car up,checked the oil and even did the tyres,before a damned machine encased a solitary soul in glass by the money drawer,reading off the digits and charging you accordingly.It meant jobs for them,and for you...people who had the time to be hearty,discontented,helpful or cheeky.Maybe you believe in that sort of progress.But I would like to smash the dreadful machines.I simply cannot understand why otherwise intelligent humans have gone computer-mad.It starts early:teachers despair of time-telling when all the kids sport awful digital watches that peep,play tunes,start and stop,even show fireworks displays,but introduce no sense of the hands moving majestically round a cleck face.No more"Happy Families",computer toys bark at them in Americanese and cost a fortune in batteries.Instead of learning mental arithmetic they grow up thinging that calculators are their right.As adults,they talk nonsense about Space Invaders,and learn a dead vocabulary that owes nothing to Shakespeare or Milton.Boring,mindless,boring.As for thinging,our computers will do it for us.Computers breed laziness and discontent.A couple came to my house and gazed in disbelief at the battered old Olympia on which I'm typing this."Gosh,we'd have thought you would have a word processor by now."I go to a library and see my beloved dusty manuscripts and old newspaper cuttings replaced by gleaming terminals,so you cannot actually handle the stuff.Then I hear from friend that he is actually contemplating spending money on a cosy"home computer",so that all the little details of his life can be stored in its nasty cold brain.As for organising,our computers will do it for us.All the science fiction fantasies of computers taking over the world,or being used to plot some devious overthrow of government are not far from the truth I see all around me.Myths are rooted in a need to explain to ourselves the workings of the universe,and of human nature.That modern myth foretells the insidious corruption of man by his own dinky little invention.The computer generation(god help them) assumes that it is better to calculate,buy petrol,tell the time,work out your holiday plans,pay your bills,and even shop,with the aid of a computer.After all,our civilisation is founded,now,on the certainty that we can kill by remote control,and a computer error could unleash a storm of war.The age of the computer is the age of dehumanisation.Significantly in my old(c.1969) Oxford dictionary the word does not exist except as a subheading-a person who computes or calculates.Now the person has gone.As for feeling,our computers won't do that for us.

[08:05.79]31.In Paragraph 6,"that modern myth"refers to"_".  A.the fantasy of computers taking over the world  B.the mystery of the universe  C.the invention of computers  D.people's need to know everything

[08:04.79]32.The author thinks that the new invention_.  A.causes quarrels in families  B.brings more pains than gains  C.makes life easy  D.appears unfriendly

[08:03.79]33.Why does the author say the vocabulary learnt by adults is dead?  A.It has dismissed all thoughts of great writers.  B.It's unsuitable for conveying human thoughts.  C.It has become obsolets long ago  D.It's not in literary style.

[08:02.79]34.Which is True about science fictions according to the passage?  A.They can bring down a government by cunning means.  B.They more or less predict man's future.  C.They are fantastic computer stories.  D.They are not trustworthy.

[08:01.79]35.The author takes the old Oxford Dictionary as an example to show_.  A.it's out of date  B.the vocabulary is too small  C.the computer is emotionless  D.the progress is to quick to follow

[08:00.79]Passage Four

[07:59.79]Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage.

[07:58.79]Most charismatic leaders make extensive use of anecdotes.Message-sending anecdotes relate to such subjects as a company president going out of his way to help an individual customer,or a lower-ranking employee who defied higher authority in order to meet her job responsibities.In the latter instance,a receptionist at IBM denied admission to the company chairman,Tom Watson,because he was not wearing a security badge.Instead of firing the young woman,Watson praised her devotion to duty.Several years ago,the Ford Motor Company announced far-reaching changes that world affect how cars were manufactured and how employees would work together.A senior Ford executive was chosen to deliver the closing remarks to a group of 300 Ford managers gathered to learn about the changes.Toward the close of the speech,the executive told a story about Willie B.a gorilla who lived for twenty-seven years in isolation in a dreary Atlanta zoo.He said that he had raised money for a state-of-the-art gorilla habitat.Willie B.,for the first time in his life,would now live in a gorilla-friendly,close-to-nature environment.Yet somehow,Willie B.was slow to adapt to his new environment.It took the gorilla several days to fully explore his new habitat.A photographer caught the moment when Willie B.tested the grass with a toe.The Ford executive hangs a framed photograph of this incident in his office."It's there,"he said,"to remind me that no matter how attractive the new surroundings might appear,it takes time and courage to leave the comfortalbe security of a place-even an ugly cramped space-that you know well."At the moment the meeting ended,meeting participants came over to the speaker to express how much the speech had touched them.The story about the gorilla tears to the eyes of many.Of significance to the organization,many probably left the conference with an understanding of how difficult the coming changes were going to be for employees.Becoming an effective storyteller requires practice.However,the skill is well worth developing because of its contribution to a person's magnetism and leadership ability.Create a useful anecdote file of your own.Collect anecdotes about things you observe personally,those you hear from others,and those you read in books,magazines,and newsletters.Anecdotes can also be found in books and newsletters about speech making.Attempt so screen out those anecdotes that are widely because stale anecdotes bore audiences.

[07:57.79]36.Why did Tom Watson praise the female employee in the second example cited in the first paragraph?  A.Because she always receives the company chairman warmly.  B.Because she defied lower-ranking employees.  C.Because she was a responsible employee.  D.Because she never forgets to wear a security badge.

[07:56.79]37.The life of Willie B,used to be_.  A.interesting  B.more comfortable  C.close to nature  D.isolated

[07:55.79]38.The story of Willie B.shows that_ .  A.it takes time and courage to face and adapt to a new environment  B.animals are quite reluctant to change their habitats  C.Willie B.likes to test grass with one toe  D.people are always ready to meet the difficulties resulting from changes

[07:54.79]39.Which of the following statements is True according to the passage?  A.Many a charismatic leader tends to make the most of anecdotes and stories.  B.It is always a good idea to collect anecdotes that are widely used.  C.Personal magnetism is built up by reading books,magazines and newsletters.  D.To become an effective story-teller one has only to create a useful anecdote file

[07:53.79]40.We can safely conclude from the passage that the Ford senior executive_.  A.was an effective leader who always told stories to his employees  B.was a person who often cited widely-used anecdotes to influence others  C.was able to help meeting participants understand the coming changes better  D.always used anecdotes to help employees understand company policies.

[07:52.79]Vocabulary  (20 minutes)

[07:51.79]Directions:There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked [A],[B],[C] and [D].Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

[07:50.79]41.Since your supervisor has_the time for a talk with you,you must make sure that you will be there on time.  A.predicted  B.yielded  C.specified  D.classified

[07:49.79]42.Good motion pictures create_reality.  A.dellusion  B.allustion  C.illusion  D.illustration

[07:48.79]43.Do you think religion is_with science?  A.identical  B.same  C.compatible  D.uncompatible

[07:47.79]44.The grounds of the presidential palace are_by soldiers with guard dogs 4 hours a day.  A.patrolled  B.surveyed  C.investigated  D.occupied

[07:46.79]45.To our relief,he consequently promised to_his troops speedily from Mexico.  A.withdraw  B.withstand  C.remove  D.relieve

[07:45.79]46.The sponsor must know_how many students want to join in the class tea party.  A.confidentially  B.proportinally  C.approximately  D.sufficiently

[07:44.79]47.The millionaires_her treasured diamonds for one million dollars.  A.insured  B.assured  C.ensured  D.reassured

[07:43.79]48.Modern shops have_a trend towards specialization which began in the earliest days of agriculture.  A.reinforced  B.acquired  C.refrained  D.accelerated

[07:42.79]49.The club's hundreds of followers find the_of the locations,music and atmosphere exciting and will travel long distances to attend.  A.prevalence  B.proposal  C.proximity  D.originaliy

[07:41.79]50.Most probably she will get the well-paid job for which she has applied,because the headmaster of her school promised to_her.  A.count for  B.speak for  C.declare of  D.account for

[07:40.79]51.You have to have a car in most American cities because public transportation is_.  A.incompatible  B.innovative  C.inadequate  D.indefinite

[07:39.79]52.They have made a decision to_the old television set and purchase a new one.  A.scrap  B.scrub  C.scrape  D.scratch

[07:38.79]53.We should understand the importance of the industrial revolution and by,_the coming computer revolution.  A.reference  B.inherence  C.preference  D.inference

[07:37.79]54.Originally paintings were an_part of the building of which they were designed.  A.integrity  B.integral  C.initiative  D.initial

[07:36.79]55.Traveling in a wet climate will cause the travellers'clothes to become_with sweat.  A.saturated  B.watered  C.stained  D.heated

[07:35.79]56.The doctor is caught in a_because he does not know whether he should tell his truth.  A.predicament  B.dilemma  C.puzzle  D.bewilderment

[07:34.79]57.The espionage agent agreed not to_the top-secret plans.  A.reveal  B.destroy  C.duplicate  D.market

[07:33.79]58.I have bought a new packet of_for cleaning the windows with.  A.clothes  B.cloth  C.cloths  D.clothing

[07:32.79]59.You'll find that the community has_great changes since you were here last.  A.undergone  B.submitted  C.sustained  D.run

[07:31.79]60.I am puzzled:if you think history and politics_ ,why do you insist on studying them separately?  A.overlook  B.overtake  C.overthrow  D.overlap

[07:30.79]61.She_from scolding the children until the guests left.  A.strayed  B.refrained  C.stopped  D.prevented

[07:29.79]62.The recipe said to use butter,but as we'd run out of butter we had to_with margarine.  A.make do  B.do it up  C.make up to it  D.make up

[07:28.79]63.After the speech,the meeting became a_.  A.mass  B.bedlam  C.chaos  D.disorder

[07:27.79]64.No matter how hard he tried,he couldn't get the_of his opponent.  A.superiority  B.better  C.victory  D.best

[07:26.79]65.A short but heavy shower brought the_ to a halt,and everybody went home.  A.procedure  B.process  C.procession  D.progress

[07:25.79]66._are said to be the world's best watch makers.  A.Swisses  B.The Swisses  C.The Swiss  D.Some Swiss

[07:24.79]67.To undergraduate students,the doctoral degree is a distant_.  A.aspect  B.prospect  C.respect  D.concept

[07:23.79]68.Recent border_between the two military groups lend credence to the rumors of an impending war.  A.conferences  B.consequences  C.enterprises  D.confrontations

[07:22.79]69.The students showed_when solving the difficult maths problems.  A.validity  B.purity  C.ingenuity  D.reliability

[07:21.79]70.Mr.Smith is a little of a_and we often laugh at his jokes.  A.actor  B.speaker  C.wag  D.propagandist

[07:20.79]Cloze  (15 minutes)

[07:19.79]Directions:There are 20 blanks in the following passage.For each blank there are four choices marked [A],[B],[C] and [D] on the right side of the paper.You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

[07:18.79]71.There was a time when parents who wanted an educational present for their children would buy a typewriter,a globe or an encyclopedia set.Now those_seem hopelessly old-fashioned:this Christmas,  A.items  B.toys  C.sets  D.series

[07:17.79]72.there were a lot of_computers under the tree.  A.private  B.children  C.school  D.personal

[07:16.79]73._that computers are their key to success,  A.Given  B.Provided  C.Convinced  D.Believed

[07:15.79]74.parents are also frantically insisting that children_taught to use them in school-as early as possible.  A.are  B.be  C.are being  D.were

[07:14.79]75.The problem for schools is that when it_computers,parents don't always know best.  A.talks about  B.comes to  C.turns to  D.mentions

[07:13.79]76.Many schools are_parental impatience  A.ignorant of  B.blaming  C.yielding to  D.improving

[07:12.79]77.and are purchasing hardware_sound educational planning so they can say,"OK,we've moved into the computer age."  A.without  B.with  C.through  D.for

[07:11.79]78.Teachers_themselves caught in the middle of the problem--  A.relied on  B.relaxed  C.freed  D.found

[07:10.79]79.between parent pressure and_educational decisions.  A.wise  B.clever  C.slow  D.enough

[07:09.79]80.Educators do not even agree_how computers should be used.  A.on  B.with  C.to  D.about

[07:08.79]81.A lot of money is going for computerized educational materials_research  A.however  B.where  C.what  D.that

[07:07.79]82.has shown can be taught_with pencil and paper.  A.equally  B.the same way  C.just as well  D.not as well

[07:06.79]83.Even those who believe that all children should_to computer  A.be open  B.have access  C.look  D.turn

[07:05.79]84.warn of potential_to the very young.  A.approaches  B.exposures  C.dangers  D.laziness

[07:04.79]85.The temptation remains strong largely because young children_so well to computers.  A.adopt  B.keep  C.adapt  D.devote

[07:03.79]86.First grader have been_willing to work for two hours on math skills.  A.watched  B.seen  C.told  D.taught

[07:02.79]87.Some have an attention span of 20 minutes._school can afford to go into computing,and that creates_another problerm:a division between the haves and have-nots.  A.already  B.of course  C.in addition  D.yet

[07:01.79]89.Very few parents ask_computer instruction in poor school districts,  A.for  B.against  C.to buy  D.to use

[07:00.79]90._there may be barely enough money to pay the reading teacher.  A.due that  B.in any case  C.although  D.where

[06:59.79]Writing  (30 minutes)

[06:58.79]Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a Resume.You are expected to develop at least 120 words.

[06:57.79]1.C  2.A  3.D  4.A  5.B  6.C  7.D  8.A  9.C  10.A

[06:56.79]11.A  12.D  13.C  14.A  15.D  16.D  17.B  18.B  19.C  20.A

[06:55.79]21.C  22.B  23.D  24.D  25.A  26.A  27.C  28.D  29.B  30.D

[06:54.79]31.A  32.B  33.B  34.B  35.C  36.C  37.D  38.A  39.A  40.C

[06:53.79]41.C  42.C  43.C  44.A  45.A  46.C  47.A  48.D  49.D  50.B

[06:52.79]51.C  52.A  53.D  54.B  55.A  56.B  57.A  58.C  59.A  60.D

[06:51.79]61.B  62.A  63.D  64.B  65.C  66.C  67.B  68.D  69.C  70.C

[06:50.79]71.A  72.B  73.C  74.B  75.B  76.C  77.A  78.D  79.A  80.A

[06:49.79]81.D  82.C  83.B  84.C  85.C  86.B  87.B  88.D  89.A  90.A

[06:48.79]Writing  Resume  Name:Shaojun,Liu  Sex:Male  Age:31  Telephone Number:6228188  E-mail:[email protected]  Prefessional Titles:Registered Accountant;Certificate of accountant;Certificate of Computerized accounting,Drivers License.  Education:Master of Financial Accounting,Tianjin Finance and Economics University Bachelor of Accounting,Tianjin Finance and Economic University  Publications:"Dictionary on Modern Finance and Economics",North-East Finance and Economics College Press,1999  Working Experience:July,1987-December,1990 Accountant in Beijing DATONG company January,1991-now Manager in Beijing Financial Bureau  From 1987 to now,I have been working in Beijing Financial Bureau where I am in charge of financial administration of agricultural institutions and levying agricultural taxes,During the period,I have accumulated comprehensive experiences of dealing with the affairs in financial administration,business accounting.I have a good knowledge of the financial policies,laws,financial rules and accounting criterion both domestic and foreign.I have developed a strict working attitude towards work.During the working period,I keep an extensive contact with governments at all levels,such as Ministry of Treasury,General Bureau of Tax and all the auditing offices,taxes offices not only in Beijing but also in other big cities.Moreover,I have also been in touch with the mass media:Beijing Television Station,Beijing Radio Station,Beijing Daily,Beijing Economics,etc.I think I have been equipped with much theory knowledge and practical experiences for a more challenging job rather than the routine job in the government offices.Therefore,I hope to be involved in the more challenging job.I am healthy and energetic with great originality.I am optimistic,hard-working,energetic,diligen and full of original ideas,which makes me often praised & appreciated by my leaders and colleagues.I take pride in maintaining friendly and productive relationships with others.I am eager to take a job which meets my major.A financial supervisor of a company will be my favorite.I hope to be given an opportunity to exert my intelligence.
