

[00:00.00]Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)

[00:-1.00]Section A

[00:-2.00]Directions:In this section,you will hear 10 short conversations.At the end of each conversation,a question will be asked about what was said.Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once.After each question there will be a pause.During the pause,you must read the four choices marked [A],[B],[C] and [D],and decide which is the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

[00:-3.00]1.Q:How much is the normal price for one hamburger?  A.40 cents.  B.30 cents.  C.20 cents.  D.10 cents.

[00:11.94]2.Q:What conclusion can be drawn from the conversation?  A.The train is crowded.  B.The train is late.  C.The train is empty.  D.The train is on time.

[00:31.85]3.Q:Where did this conversation most likely take place?  A.In a store.  B.In an airport.  C.In a police station.  D.On a subway.

[00:53.16]4.Q:Did the man watch the game last night?  A.No,he missed it.  B.Yes,he did.  C.No,he didn't.  D.Yes,he probably did.

[01:04.32]5.Q:Why does the woman's fiance want to live in the suburbs?  A.Because life is less expensive in the suburbs.  B.Because jobs are easier to find.  C.Because he works in the suburbs.  D.Because the woman works in the suburbs.

[01:23.15]6.Q:What does the man dislike about the camera?  A.The model.  B.The lens.  C.The price.  D.The flash attachment.

[01:53.69]7.Q:Why did the woman miss the documentary?  A.Because she was at the movies.  B.Because she was in bed.  C.Because she was in the hospital.  D.Because she was watching another channel.

[02:12.76]8.Q:What is the woman going to buy downtown?  A.Some pants.  B.A suit.  C.A blouse.  D.A dress.

[02:35.62]9.Q:What probably happened to Paula?  A.She lost a finger.  B.She became a surgical nurse.  C.Someone hit her in the nose.  D.She had an operation on her nose.

[02:52.67]10.Q:What does the woman imply?  A.She has finished only one step.  B.She doesn't have any more time for redecorating.  C.It's time for the work to be finished.  D.The redecorating is being done gradually.

[02:51.67]Section B

[02:50.67]Compound Dictation

[02:49.67]Directions:In this section you will hear a passage three times.When the passage is read for the first time,you should listen carefully for its general idea.Then listen to the passage again.When the passage is read for the second time,you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S7 with the exact words you have just heard.For blanks numbered from S8 to S10 you are required to fill in the missing information.You can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words.Finally,when the passage is read for the third time,you should check what you have written.

[02:48.67]The Effects of Colour

[03:01.13]Researchers have found that"cool"colours,such as blues and greens,can make us feel calm and(S1)_.Blue and green(S2)_can also(S3)_blood pressure,pulse rate,and breathing rate."Warm"colours,such as reds,yellow,and oranges.(S4)_us differently than"cool"colours do."Warm"colours can(S5)_make us feel warmer and(S6)_.They stimulate(S7)_,raise blood pressure,and quicken breathing.Colour can affect our moods.Yellow,a bright,sunny colour,often makes people feel happy and more active.Yet it makes some people feel hot and restless.(S8)_.According to a three-year study in Germany,the answer seems to be yes.Scientists studied how various colours affect school children.(S9)_.Scientists also think that colours can tell us something about people's personalities.(S10)_.

[03:00.13]Reading Comprehension  (35 minutes)

[02:59.13]Directions:There are 4 passage in this part.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked [A],[B],[C] and [D].You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer sheet with a single line through the centre.

[02:58.13]Passage One

[02:57.13]Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage.

[02:56.13]Dr.Thomas Starzl,like all the pioneers of organ transplant,had to learn to live with failure.When he performed the world's first liver transplant 25 years ago,the patient,a three-year-old boy,died on the oerating table.The next four patients didn't live long enough to get out of the hospital.But more determined than discouraged.Starzl and his colleagues went back to their lab at the University of Colorado Medical School.They devised techniques to reduce the heavy bleeding during surgery,and they worked on better ways to prevent the recipient's immune system from rejecting the organ-an ever-present risk.Now,thanks to further refinements,about two thirds of all liver-transplant patients are living more than a year.But the triumphs of the transplant surgeons have created yet another tragic problem:a severe shortage of donor organs."As the results get better,more people go on the waiting lists and there's wider disparity between supply and need,"says one doctor.The American Council on Transplantation estimates that on any given day 15,000 American are waiting for organs.There is no shortage of actual organs;each year about 25,000 healthy people die unexpectedly in the United States,usually in accidents.The problem is that fewer than 20 percent become donors.This trend persists despite laws designed to encourage organ recycling.Under the federal uniform Anatomical Gift Act,a person can authorize the use of his organs after death by singing a statement.Legally,the next of kin can veto these posthumous gifts,but surveys indicate that 70 to 80 percent of the public would not interfere with a family member's decision.The bigger roadblock,according to some experts,is that physicians don't ask for donations,either because they fear offending grieving survivors or because they still regard some transplant procedures as experimental.When there aren't enough organs to go around,distributing the available ones becomes a matter of deciding who will live and who will die.Once donors and potential recipients have been matched for body size and blood type,the sickest patients customarily go the the top of the local waiting list.Beyond the seriousness of the patient's condition,doctors base their choice on such criteria as the length of time the patient has been waiting,how long it will take to obtain an organ and whether the transplant team can gear up in time.

[02:55.13]11.Which of the following statements is True according to the passage?  A.All the patients whom Dr.Starzl operated on died on the operating table.  B.To Dr.Starzl,it was very discouraging that his first liver transplant failed.  C.Many doctors had performed organ transplant before Dr.Starzl.  D.Dr.Starzl didn't give up even though he had failed in his attempts.

[02:54.13]12.One factor causing death in organ transplantation is_.  A.heavy bleeding during surgery  B.destruction of patients'immune system  C.objection from patients to taking organs of others  D.doctors' lack of confidence

[02:53.13]13.Nowadays two thirds of all liver-transplant can live_.  A.not long enough to get out of the hospital  B.about one year  C.at least one year  D.less than one year

[02:52.13]14.There would be many more organ donors if_.  A.laws are designed to encourage organ recycling  B.people can't legally prevent a family member from donating his organ  C.doctors are more willing to ask for donations  D.transplant surgery is more successful

[02:51.13]15.Which of the following would be the Best title for this passage?  A.Dr.Starzl and Transplant Surgeons  B.Transplant Surgery in the US  C.The Future of Transplant Surgery  D.Success in Transplant Surgery and Shortage of Organs

[02:50.13]Passage Two

[02:49.13]Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage.

[02:48.13]What is your favorite color?Do you like yellow,orange,and red?If you do,you must be an optimist,a leader,an active person who enjoy life,people,and excitement.Do you prefer grays and blues?Then you are probably quiet,shy,and you'd rather follow than lead.You tend to be a pessimist.At least this is what psychologists tell us and they should know because they have been studing seriously the meaning of color preference,as well as the effect that colors have no human beings.They tell us,among other facts,that we don't choose our favorite color as we grow up-we are born with our preference.If you happen to love brown,you did so as soon as you opened your eyes,or at least as soon as you could see clearly.Colors do influence our moods,there is no doubt about it.A yellow room makes most people feel more cheerful and more than a dark green one,and a red dress brings warmth and cheer to the saddest winter day.On the other hand,black is depressing.A black bridge over the Thames River,near London,used to be the scene of more suicides than any other bridge in the area-until it was repainted green.The number of suicide attempts immediately falls sharply;perhaps it would have fallen even more if the bridge had been done in pink or baby blue.We often associate a particular color with a piece of music,a book,a play,a poem,a number,or a letter.Doesn't 3 look red,and 4 yellow?At the beginning of this century a French wrote that for him the letter A was always black;E was white,I red,O blue,and U green.For someone else,U might be deep purple or lemon yellow.A tragic story makes you think of black,red and gold,while love stories very from red to pink-or may be light blue?And why did the black American composers of sad jazz music call songs"blue"?Remember,then,that if you feel low you can always brghten your day-or your life-with a new shirt or a few cans of paint.Remember also that you will know your friends and your enemies better when you find out what colors they like and dislike.And don't forget that anyone can guess a lot about your personality when you choose a pair of socks or a cushion.

[02:47.13]16.You are usually an optimist if you like_.  A.yellow,orange,and red  B.greys and blues  C.black and deep purple  D.white and gold

[02:46.13]17.If you are a pessimist,you tend to be_.  A.leader  B.active  C.quiet and shy  D.pleasant

[02:45.13]18.According to psychologists,which of the following is True?  A.We choose our favorite colors as we grow up.  B.We are born with our favorite colors.  C.Our parents'color preference influences our choice of favorite colors.  D.The choice of favorite colors is decided by what kind of education we have received.

[02:44.13]19.A tragic story may suggest all of the following colors Except_.  A.black  B.red  C.light blue  D.gold

[02:43.13]20.There used to be more suicides on the bridge over the Thames River because it was_.  A.green  B.pink  C.blue  D.black

[02:42.13]Passage Three

[02:41.13]Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.

[02:40.13]When one of your car tires goes flat,there are two things you can do.Groan and change it or,if you don't have a spare,stand helplessly beside the road and hope someone comes to your rescue.Now comes a third alternative,called Quickwheel.It is designed to get disabled motorists rolling again as quickly as possible.Quickwheel is essentially a tiny emergency trailer-complete with three tough little wheels of its own-that supports the flat tire and enables the motorist to drive to a service station without losing much time or expending much energy.The product is manufactured in the Netherlands but is owned and marketed by a U.S.company,Quickwheel Inc.of Greenwich,Connecticut.According to the firm's president,Robert Bockwag,the product meets each of the major concerns that consumers associate with flat tires:safety,lost time and physical exertion.To use it,motorists simply unfold the product to its fully extended position,set it in front of the disabled tire,drive the car onto the Quickwheel's ramp and attach a special safety strap over the tire.The tire is then locked,or cradled,in Quickwheel's metal frame.The device's three wheels do the rest of the work.According to Quickwheel Inc,its product can be driven"for miles"at speeds of up to 45 miles per hour"without any noticeable change in the vehicle's braking or steeing operation."The company also claims that it can be used on just about any type of car,jeep,mini-van or trailer.Bockweg says that Quickwheel will be sold initially in the US,at a price of $150.Distribution agree ments now being negotiated should make the product available in Japan,Canada and Western Europe in the near future.

[02:39.13]21.In the first paragraph,"disabled motorists"means"__".  A.motorists who can't walk  B.motorists whose cars are broken  C.drivers who can't drive on because of a flat tire  D.drivers who are hurt because of a flat tire

[02:38.13]22.Quickwheel_.  A.can be used to replace a flat tire  B.provides a kind of temporary support to the flat tire  C.is capable of moving as quickly as a wheel  D.is as flexible and durable as an ordinary wheel

[02:37.13]23.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an advantage of Quickwheel?  A.It can be used on almost any type of vehicles.  B.It is safe.  C.It can be fixed quickly and easily.  D.It is inexpensive.

[02:36.13]24.It is implied but not stated that Quickwheel_.  A.can't be used in place of a tire over long distances  B.will be available chiefly in the US  C.can be folded and unfolded  D.functions well over various kinds of road surfaces

[02:35.13]25.The purpose of the article is to_.  A.tell readers how to use Quickwheel.  B.tell readers that spare tires are no longer necessary.  C.show how well a new product can meet consumers' needs  D.recommend a new product-Quickwheel

[02:34.13]Passage Four

[02:33.13]Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.

[02:32.13]Standing on the rim of the Grand gazing across this giant wound in the Earth's surface,a visitor might assume that the canyon had been caused by some ancient convulsion.In fact,the events that produced the canyon,far from being sudden and cataclysmic,simply add up to the slow and orderly process of erosion.Many millions of years ago the Colorado Plateau in the Grand Canyon area contained 10,000 more feet of rock than it does today and was relatively level.The additional material consisted of some 14 layered formations of rock.In the Grand Canyon region these layers were largely worn away over the course of millions of years.Approximately 65 million years ago the plateau's flat surface in the Grand Canyon are bulged upward from internal pressure;geologists refer to this bulging action as upwarping;it was followed by a general elevation of the whole Colorado Plateau,a process that is still going on.As the plateau gradually rose,shallow rivers that meanbered across it began to run more swiftly and cut more definite courses.One of these rivers,located east of the upwarp,was the ancestor of the Colorado.Another river system called the Hualapai,flowing west of the upwarp,extended itself eastward by cutting back into the upwarp;it eventually connected with the ancient Colorado and captured its waters.The new river the began to carve out the 277 mile-long trench that eventually became the Grand Canyon.Geologists estimate that this initial cutting action began no earlier than 10 million years age.Since then,the canyon forming has been cumulative.To the corrosive force of the river itself have been added other factors.Heat and cold,rain and snow,along with the varying resistance of the rocks,increase the opportunities for erosion.The canyon walls crumble;the river acquires a cutting tool,tons of debris;rainfall running off the high plateau creates feeder streams that carve side sanyons.Pushing slowly backward into the plateau,the side canyons expose new rocks,and the pattern of erosion continues.

[02:31.13]26.What does the passage mainly discuss?  A.Patterns of erosion in different mountain ranges.  B.Forces that made the Grand Ganyon.  C.The increasing pollution of the Colorado River.  D.The sudden appearance of the Grand Canyon.

[02:30.13]27.What was the geographic position of the upwarp approximately 65 million years ago?  A.To the east of what is now the Colorado River.  B.To the west of the Hualapai River.  C.At the source of the Hualapai River and what is now the Colorado River.  D.Between the Hualapai River and what is now the Colorado River.

[02:29.13]28.According to the passage,how many miles long was the trench that became known as Grand Canyon?  A.10,000  B.277  C.14  D.10

[02:28.13]29.The author mentions all of the following as cause of erosion EXCEPT_.  A.wind  B.rain  C.heat  D.cold

[02:27.13]30.The passage would most likely be found in a textbook of which of the following subjects?  A.Astronomy  B.Botany  C.Geology  D.Chemistry

[02:26.13]Vocabulary  (20 minutes)

[02:25.13]Directions:There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked [A],[B],[C] and [D].Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

[02:24.13]31.That foreigner has broken the law in England and is being_to his own country next Monday.  A.reported  B.exiled  C.deported  D.excluded

[02:23.13]32.The main road through Littlebury was blocked for three hours todey after an accident_two lorries.  A.including  B.connecting  C.containing  D.involving

[02:22.13]33.We must_that the telegram arrives in time.  A.guarantee  B.ensure  C.assure  D.insure

[02:21.13]34.According to historical records it was here that the scattered forces of the revolution_in the autumn of 1928.  A.met  B.dispersed  C.assembled  D.restored

[02:20.13]35.After obtaining his Ph.D.,or doctorate in 1934,Dr.Sanger_at Cambridge as a Beit Memorial Research Fellow.  A.stopped by  B.waited for  C.stayed on   D.dropped in

[02:19.13]36.It is hoped that the prisoner will be released through the_of the president himself.  A.convertion  B.prevention  C.intervention  D.interference

[02:18.13]37.His public statements are so obviously _with the majority of the party.  A.out of practice  B.out of step  C.out of place  D.out of touch

[02:17.13]38.They boy ran out of the classroom without the teacher's _ .  A.command  B.conviction  C.consent  D.compromise

[02:16.13]39.If you don't complete them according to the contract,I will_ you for damages.  A.accuse  B.charge  C.sue  D.complain

[02:15.13]40.Although the house was on fire,the people in the top flat were able to get down by the fire_.  A.escape  B.exit  C.staris  D.elevator

[02:14.13]41.After a short holiday,he_himself once more to his studies.  A.applied  B.converted  C.engaged  D.exerted

[02:13.13]42.The government gave a very_explanation of its plans for industrial development.  A.understanding  B.comprehensive  C.compulsory  D.sophisticated

[02:12.13]43.He criticized everything and everybody and even_his few friends.  A.came across  B.took on  C.got off  D.ran down

[02:11.13]44.Tian Anmen Square really looks magnificent at night when it is_.  A.imitated  B.illuminated  C.illustrated  D.disguised

[02:10.13]45.The party's reduced vote was_of lack of support for its policies.  A.indicative  B.comfirming  C.positive  D.revealing

[02:09.13]46.He bought that house,_than he would inherit money under his uncle's will.  A.estimating  B.assuming  C.wanting  D.imagining

[02:08.13]47.Upon Sinclair,an American writer of the 20th century,showed his_genius for recreating social history in his novels.  A.original  B.particular  C.unique  D.uncommon

[02:07.13]48.We regret to inform you that the umbrellas you ordered are_.  A.out of reach  B.out of place  C.unique  D.uncommon

[02:06.13]49.That matter is so_that it must not be discussed outside this office.  A.indispensable  B.indoor  C.confidential  D.impressive

[02:05.13]50.Do you agree to the idea that the rich_the masses by their control of the political and judicial systems?  A.oppress  B.suppress  C.express  D.depress

[02:04.13]51.To say that a soldier fought in battle like lion may be a descriptive_ ,but it does not mean that he was on all fours,roaring and wagging his tail!  A.analysis  B.analogue  C.analogy  D.analytic

[02:03.13]52.There was no one in the house,but the_of a meal lay on the table.  A.remains  B.remainders  C.ruins  D.wreckage

[02:02.13]53.Sometimes items are put on sale because they have_on them.  A.imperfections  B.mileage  C.signatures  D.installments

[02:01.13]54.At the head of the valley we turned right and _ the summit.  A.made for  B.went for  C.set up  D.took up

[02:00.13]55.Don't run_the idea that Scotsmen are mean.They just don't like wasting money.  A.in for  B.in to  C.away from  D.away with

[01:59.13]56.He was first and_ a scholar.  A.foregoing  B.foremost  C.previous  D.forehand

[01:58.13]57."Would you come to help me with my work the day after tomorrow?""It_."  A.depends  B.depends upon  C.is depending  D.is dependent on

[01:57.13]58.His essay is badly written,but the idea_it is good.  A.underliving  B.underlying  C.underplaying  D.underselling

[01:56.13]59.The workers were paid_.  A.by an hour  B.by the hour  C.by hour  D.by hours

[01:55.13]60.The higher the standard of living,the_.  A.greater is the amount of goods is consumed  B.greater amount of goods consumed  C.amount of goods is used is greater  D.greater the amount of goods consumed

[01:54.13]Short Answer Questions  (15 minutes)

[01:53.13]Directions:In this part,there is a short passage with five questions or incomplete statements.Read the passage carefully.Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words ( not exceeding 10 words.)

[01:52.13]Testing has replaced teaching in most public schools.My own children's school week is framed by pretest drills,tests,and retests.They know that the best way to read a textbook is to look at the questions at the end of the Chapter and then skim the text ofr the answers.I believe that my daughter Erica,who gets excellent marks,has never read a chapter of any of school textbooks all the way through.And teachers are often heard to state:proudly and openly that they teach to the mandated state test.Teaching to the test is a curious phenomenon.Instead of deciding,what skills students ought to learn,helping students learn them,and then using some sensible methods of assessment to discover whether students have mastered the skills,teachers are encouraged to reverse the process.First one distills the skills needed not to master reading,say,or math,but to do well on the test.Finally,the test skills are taught.The ability to read or write or calculate might imply the ability to do reasonably well on standardized tests.However,neither reading nor writing develops simply through being taught to take tests.We must be careful to avoid mistaking preparation for a test of a skill with the acquisitition of that skill.Too many discussions of basic skills make this fundamental confusion because people are test-obsessed rather than concerned with the nature and quality of what is taught.Recently,many schools have faced what could be called the crisis of comprehension or,in simple terms,the phenomenon of students with phonic and grammar skils still being unable to understand what they read.There students are competent at test taking and filling in workbooks and ditto masters.However,they have little or no experience reading or thinking,and talking about what they read.They know the details but can't see or understand the whole.They are taught to be so concerned with grade that they have no time or ease of mind to think about meaning,and reread things if necessary.

[01:51.13]Questions:61.What problem does the author think his daughter have?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

[01:50.13]62.The author thinks many teachers are wrong in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

[01:49.13]63.The author insists that teachers should pay more attention to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

[01:48.13]64.What problem do many students have who are competent at test?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

[01:47.13]65.According to the passage,what is the reason for the prevailing phenomenon of teaching to test?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

[01:46.13]Writing  (30 minutes)

[01:45.13]Directions:In this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic:How to Read a Text book.Your composition should be no less than 120 words and you should write it according to the following outline:1.State briefly how you read a textbook;2.Tell the reader in detail how you usually read a textbook;3.Say briefly what you think of your reading method.

[01:44.13]How to Read a Textbook

[01:43.13]1.A  2.B  3.A  4.B  5.A  6.C  7.D  8.C  9.D  10.D

[01:42.13]S1.relaxed  S2.surroundings  S3.lower  S4.affect  S5.actually  S6.excited  S7.heartbeat

[01:41.13]S8.Red often makes people feel energetic.But not everyone feels good wearing red.If some colour can make us feel better,might certain colour also help us think better?

[01:40.13]S9.And they found that certain colours could raise I.Q.In the experiment,rooms with low ceilings were painted in defferent colours.The more popular colours were light blue,yellow,yellow-green,and orange.Less popular colours such as white,black,and brown caused a drop in I.Q.The study found that the colour orange in particular improved social behavior,cheered up children's spirits and made them less hostile and irritable.

[01:39.13]S10.People who are more out-going usually prefer"warm"colours.People who are quieter,often prefer"cool"colours.

[01:38.13]11.D  12.A  13.C  14.C  15.D  16.A  17.C  18.B  19.C  20.D

[01:37.13]21.C  22.B  23.D  24.A  25.D  26.B  27.D  28.B  29.A  30.C

[01:36.13]31.C  32.D  33.B  34.C  35.C  36.C  37.B  38.C  39.C  40.A

[01:35.13]41.A  42.B  43.D  44.B  45.A  46.B  47.C  48.D  49.C  50.A

[01:34.13]51.C  52.A  53.A  54.A  55.D  56.B  57.A  58.B  59.B  60.D

[01:33.13]61.She has never read through any of her textbooks.

[01:32.13]62.replacing reaching with testing/teaching to the test.

[01:31.13]63.the nature and quality of what is taught.

[01:30.13]64.They could not understand what they read.

[01:29.13]65.People are test-obsessed.

[01:28.13]Writing  How to Read to Textbook  To me,the best way to read a textbook is to read it by following the three steps:Before I read a textbook,I usually look through the headings or titles to get the main ideas.Then I read each chapter slowly and carefully to see what is really going on.To avoid confusions and misunderstandings,I often take notes.But I do not leave marks to make my textbook textbook colourful because when I do,the next time I open the book I feel I know everything in it,even if I do not know it at all.Lastly,I finish reading a textbook like this,I usually go through the whole thing once again very quickly and focus on the most important part.I do not know whether this method will work for others,but it certainly works for me.
